In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

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  • In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    Well in yr7(age 12,secondary school) i met this girl. In the beginning of yr7 I thought to my self she's quite pretty, but I'm not really intrested.
    Later in Yr7, I was handing out books in class and was about to pickup her book. Aciddentaly my hand touched her warm soft hands, when i say by an accident i mean by an accident. This small time has changed my secondary school life for ever. I know LOVE 3> her. I really love her. I have a serious crush with her. I'm mad in love with her. Now i think to my self "this girl is so damb hot".


    In 3 years of being in the same class with her we've probably only said about 5 sentences to each other. Im just tooooo shy. I've barely looked at her face. I only look at her from the back. But I see a few picutures of her on facebook and i really love her. When she looks at me I look away, and shes literally giving me no clues if she likes me or not.But I think she has given a few:

    1. One time in ICT we were w8ing for our teacher to let us out ....

    Key: []: computer.

    {door for exit.

    [] Me Her [] Exit

    and she turned and looked at for me, as always I tried not to look at her, but if i turned around i would of looked at wall which would of been weird. I started to sweat.

    One time she wanted to turn the air conditioning off because she thought it was too cold- out of all people she asked me, in a sexy voice which she dosent normally speak in, and I did it staright away.

    Are these signs?

    I know i love her cause i do the common thing and always helpful to her, if she wants to sit where I'm sitting I let her instantly.

    We really sit together in class but on time we did. I was so nervous I started sweating, hoping to god I wouldn't smell of bio. Now this girl isn't dumb, she's very intelligent. We were doing classwork and she made a lot of stupid mistakes. like keep dropping here pencils. I think she was nervous as well, i think so 1%, im really not to sure.
    Also I asked her if she had a spare pen and she said yes, she dosen't normally let other people use her pens, unless thier her friends.

    Are these signs?

    Im 14 year old now and Im not getting any hotter. Im not too hot. One girl likes me but i dont really like her. But I let her sit on my lap for fun and we hug sometimes but we're not really going out. I'm not at all nervous near her so I know I dont like her.

    Please any one out there that can help me. She is the girl of my dreams:kiss: and im to scared to ask her out. To make matters worse I dont have a clue in the world if she likes me me. If any one can help me please do so.
    I cant help thinking about her. You can add my msn which is: hezy12 @ you could give me advice and I can do it while at school and I can report back to you. Otherwise please reply.

    PLease I beg of you.


    :love1::love1::love1: if you know who i am, and that girls is you then......:love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1: PLZ LOVE ME BK.:love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1::love1:
  • Re: In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    touching her hand once on accident made you fall in love with her? i think you just have a huge crush on her. the computer lab incident honestly doesn't make sense to me. she just looked at you? that doesn't mean a thing. and asking to turn the air conditioning off means just that. maybe you were the closest person to the thermostat, so she asked you if you could do it. just because everything you do for her is nice and polite doesn't mean you are in love with her. dropping a pencil or pen isn't a stupid mistake either, and her lending you a pen just means she was being nice and had an extra to lend you.

    to be perfectly honest, i don't see any real sign that could hint that she likes you in the same way you like her. you're 14, you have yet to mature enough to really understand what love is, i wouldn't obsess over her as much as you are. i'm not trying to be rude or anything, but it sounds like you're making mountains out of molehills. it looks to me like you are trying to make it look like there's something there. the only way you will ever be able to have a chance of going out with her is if you ask. if you don't ask her out, she will never know how you feel. i would calm the feelings down a bit, though. to be that obsessive over someone you've never really talked to might be a little intimidating. love comes from a special connection you feel with someone you are attracted to physically and mentally. if you don't even know what kind of person she truly is, how can you say you 'love her'. just relax around her and ask her out. :)
  • Re: In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    i'm glad you understood what i meant. and i know what it's like to have feelings for someone you don't know if they would like you back or not. you could write her a note. it worked for me, it's how i found out a friend of mine liked me back. given, i'm not so sure now, but that's because of some complicated thing that is kinda being fixed now. in any case, writing a note saying you like her would work.
  • Re: In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    thank you guys, u've all been so helpful especially super sonic, but all of you though.
    I still haven't asked her out. I don't think she likes me. She giving no clues what so ever, damb why is she so smart LOL. I dont think I will ever ask her out anytime soon. Worse thing is she aint got msn, so I can't even see how she talks to me on msn or how long she talks to me for. =P maybe this girl isnt the right person for me. IDK, there's plenty of other girls in the world. I know her best friend and we are really good friend, so she can give me link, so maybe I might see my self going out with the girls of my dreams in the future. But for now Ill get on with my life and try and get some good grades.


    You can carry on posting if you like.Ill be reading everyday.

    In conclusion, I wont be asking her out anytime soon, to scared of what might happen if she says no.

  • Re: In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    you don't KNOW that though. she might be hiding any feelings she might have. or she hasn't really noticed you as someone she would date. if you don't ask, you won't know. if you don't know, you'll only torment yourself. sometimes fear is misplaced. tell yourself, 'why am i so afraid to tell someone that i like them? why is it hard to tell someone that you notice them more than others?' honestly, there are some situations where you need to overcome that fear, and do something that can be a little risky. and so what if she says no? move on. she's one of thousands and millions and even billions of people you could potentially meet in your life. if anything, rejection can be a good lesson for future love interests.
  • Re: In need of help for the girl of my dreams.

    Maybe flirt with her a little
    Even if she doesn't like you, you'll never know unless you try
    If not just try to be her friend
    Almost always start a relationship with friendship
    Trust me
    Evil will always triumph if the good stand by and do nothing