What Childhood Toy Are You?

    • What Childhood Toy Are You?

      Blogthings - What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Doll

      You've always been a nurturing person, even when you were too young to nurture anyone else.
      You tend to be very socially oriented. Other people matter to you, and you are very compassionate.

      You are naturally intuitive and understanding. You love people for who they are.
      It makes you feel valued to be needed. You like have others depending on you, and you're always happy to lend a hand.
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Doll

      You've always been a nurturing person, even when you were too young to nurture anyone else.
      You tend to be very socially oriented. Other people matter to you, and you are very compassionate.

      You are naturally intuitive and understanding. You love people for who they are.
      It makes you feel valued to be needed. You like have others depending on you, and you're always happy to lend a hand.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year,
      and i'm so sick of watching while
      the minutes pass as i go nowhere. <3AllTimeLow[/SIZE]

    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Tricycle

      You've always had an amazing sense of adventure, even when you were very little.
      You're the type of kid who was always bending the rules. You couldn't help it... you wanted to explore the neighborhood.

      You are curious about the world, and you have an extreme need to travel.
      You can't sit still. You may not ride a trike anymore, but you're still always on the move!

      What Childhood Toy Are You?

      Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Tricycle
      You've always had an amazing sense of adventure, even when you were very little.
      You're the type of kid who was always bending the rules. You couldn't help it... you wanted to explore the neighborhood.

      You are curious about the world, and you have an extreme need to travel.
      You can't sit still. You may not ride a trike anymore, but you're still always on the move!
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Kite

      You've always been a dreamer, and you started dreaming at a very early age.
      You can get lost in a fantasy. As a kid, you were happy to let your imagination go wild.

      The smallest things can spark the biggest ideas. You can get lost in your own inner world simply by flying a kite.
      As a kid, you didn't even really want toys. You would much rather play make believe than play with an expensive toy.
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are Blocks

      You've always been a architect of projects, even when you were a kid.
      You tend to dream big, and there's a part of you that feels like you can build anything.
      You are highly inventive and imaginative. As a kid, you didn't need fancy toys to make you happy.
      You could make a game out of anything. You were (and are) very resourceful.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt9148 ().

    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Kite
      You've always been a dreamer, and you started dreaming at a very early age.
      You can get lost in a fantasy. As a kid, you were happy to let your imagination go wild.

      The smallest things can spark the biggest ideas. You can get lost in your own inner world simply by flying a kite.
      As a kid, you didn't even really want toys. You would much rather play make believe than play with an expensive toy.
      If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown also?
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Kite

      You've always been a dreamer, and you started dreaming at a very early age.
      You can get lost in a fantasy. As a kid, you were happy to let your imagination go wild.

      The smallest things can spark the biggest ideas. You can get lost in your own inner world simply by flying a kite.
      As a kid, you didn't even really want toys. You would much rather play make believe than play with an expensive toy.
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Tricycle

      You've always had an amazing sense of adventure, even when you were very little.
      You're the type of kid who was always bending the rules. You couldn't help it... you wanted to explore the neighborhood.

      You are curious about the world, and you have an extreme need to travel.
      You can't sit still. You may not ride a trike anymore, but you're still always on the move!

      What Childhood Toy Are You?

      Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Tricycle

      You've always had an amazing sense of adventure, even when you were very little.
      You're the type of kid who was always bending the rules. You couldn't help it... you wanted to explore the neighborhood.

      You are curious about the world, and you have an extreme need to travel.
      You can't sit still. You may not ride a trike anymore, but you're still always on the move!

      Hey, one that's pretty spot on.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Kite

      You've always been a dreamer, and you started dreaming at a very early age.
      You can get lost in a fantasy. As a kid, you were happy to let your imagination go wild.

      The smallest things can spark the biggest ideas. You can get lost in your own inner world simply by flying a kite.
      As a kid, you didn't even really want toys. You would much rather play m
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are Crayons

      You've always had a creative, artistic streak - even when you were a kid.
      You were the type of child who could spend hours with a box of crayons or markers.

      Even now as an adult, colors and design matter to you. You are probably very fashionable and stylish.
      Maybe you even dabble in the arts from time to time. You certainly still have the talent.
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Doll

      You've always been a nurturing person, even when you were too young to nurture anyone else.
      You tend to be very socially oriented. Other people matter to you, and you are very compassionate.

      You are naturally intuitive and understanding. You love people for who they are.
      It makes you feel valued to be needed. You like have others depending on you, and you're always happy to lend a hand.
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Kite

      Post it now!

      Share on Tumblr
      You've always been a dreamer, and you started dreaming at a very early age.
      You can get lost in a fantasy. As a kid, you were happy to let your imagination go wild.

      The smallest things can spark the biggest ideas. You can get lost in your own inner world simply by flying a kite.
      As a kid, you didn't even really want toys. You would much rather play make believe than play with an expensive toy.

      Accurate :3
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You Are a Doll

      You've always been a nurturing person, even when you were too young to nurture anyone else.
      You tend to be very socially oriented. Other people matter to you, and you are very compassionate.

      You are naturally intuitive and understanding. You love people for who they are.
      It makes you feel valued to be needed. You like have others depending on you, and you're always happy to lend a hand.
      [CENTER]"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." ~Marilyn Monroe[/CENTER]
    • Re: What Childhood Toy Are You?

      You are Crayons
      You've always had a creative, artistic streak - even when you were a kid.
      You were the type of child who could spend hours with a box of crayons or markers.

      Even now as an adult, colors and design matter to you. You are probably very fashionable and stylish.
      Maybe you even dabble in the arts from time to time. You certainly still have the talent.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.