How hard is it to STOP being friends to someone?

    • How hard is it to STOP being friends to someone?

      I just can't be fucked anymore, you know that guy who I used to go out with? that one that a lot of you adviced me to stop being friends with him, well it's a lot harder that it looks. o.0

      I've just had enough of him, he started a massive argument with me the other day for no reason.

      It all started coz we were all walking to my friends house and he jumped on me (just messing around) and he broke my ciggerette, I didn't even care coz I had loads left anyway.

      So all I said to my friend was "Can you help me fix this? coz he just jumped on me and it broke" I wasn't being nasty about it at all.

      So my ex come up to me and started screaming "I never fucking broke, YOU had it out! it's YOUR fault, you need to start taking fucking responibility of your fucking stuff!" he was doing my head in so much I just said "fuck off home" so he started calling me a fucking bitch and shit. o.0

      So after that we made up, and well he thought all was well, but I was still pissed off.

      My other friend was there aswell that day (who's a girl) and he started flirting with her and shit EXACTLY how he flirted with me before.

      I've just discovered, he doesn't like me, he just likes anything with tits.

      So I think him and my friend are seeing eachother now ... oh yay. :rolleyes:

      GRRR he's so annoying.

      So I just can't be fucked to stay friends with him anymore.

      I KNOW for a fact my best friend doesn't like him deep down, yet he is still friends to him :confused: I even said to my best friend "I don't wanna hang out with him anymore" but he keeps arranging stuff with us both. =/

      I wanna just say "If he's coming out I don't wanna come out" but it's kinda childish, coz my dad always gives him a lift home after we go out, so if I stop being friends to him I know my best friend will have to stop too.
      But at the end of the day, if I don't wanna be friends to him, I don't have to be.
    • Re: How hard is it to STOP being friends to someone?

      i was like it with a friend. we had arguments almost all the time. i got sick of it and said i dont want to be friends with you.
      i found it really difficult to stop talking to him and being friends with him.
      but in the end it got easier. its just cause is different without talking to him that was my problem. i dont really like change.
      i would suggest just telling him that your sick of him shouting at you and see if that helps.
      otherwise just stop talking to him it might cause a bit of tension when you are out though. it did with me. it kind of ruined days. he will call you names cause people tend to do that when they are being igored but will stop in the end. although if he asks why your not talking to him you have to tell him cause it may help things :)
      and also just because you stop seeing him doesnt your best friend cant see him. you could arrange different days with her and stuff.
      i think my main suggestion though is to just tell him to stop shouting and swearing and insulting you. just tell him straight that your sick of it.
      i bet what i put doesnt make sense i dunno lol. hope you sort it..