starting dating from scratch (un-enthusiastic woops.)

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    • starting dating from scratch (un-enthusiastic woops.)

      Random shit about my life i say to give an idea of my current status.
      Right i finally got over being rejected by my ex future wife.... for now. guesse she just fancied some other guy conidering she was going out with him the week after my awkward ask out fail :).

      BTW:Im 15

      mayby stupidly i have decided to go looking for love again. just lately i have kinda given up on my xbox obsessed nerdy friends and hang with them every now and then but now im hanging out with some lovely girlies and spend most lunch and break talking (flirting) to them.
      A few of them are kind of annoying and have an unhealthy twilight obsesessions (you know,the ones that hang around in the library drawing pictures of robbert patterson naked an shit. :S i make fun of them don't worry.) ye so i hang out with them because i feel i can be myself around them.(they are lesser/on par with my current social i hope none of them use this site) there are a few hotties that i can act like a fool and they'll play along but i mean like 3 or 4.

      anyways after all that unnessacery stuff up there ^^ there is one of them wich isn't so annoying,dosen't like twilight and I think is kinda hot. I wouldn't mind going out with her. when ever i talk to her i talk to her like shes my gf for jk's. so does she. we are "joke going out" aswell. we chat on facebook quite a lot too. she is coming to see a show i'm in in a couple of weeks (she didn't know i was in it when she was going to buy tickets i'll admit but when she found she bought the tickets for my cast) do you guys (and girls) think she will go out with me, if so 1) do get her number first if she has one (smart girls are kinda wierd like that ,or is it just that it's me asking for em hehehehe.) 2) how can ask her out without her thinking it's another joke.
      3) first date???? :wink:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by oscarius4 ().

    • Re: starting dating from scratch (un-enthusiastic woops.)

      1. you should get her number. talking on a phone is better than through computers.
      2. when you ask her out, use a serious voice, and make sure you speak your feelings in a way that you don't sound like you're kidding.
      3. something simple like going to a park, seeing a movie, or just finding a place to spend time with each other are good ways to have a first date.

      good luck!
    • Re: starting dating from scratch (un-enthusiastic woops.)

      If you are interested in this girl, I'd say yeah - get her digits and call her up. And if you want to ask her out without having her think it's another one of "those" jokes, then sit her down and be serious about it. Just try to be as honest as you can with her and I'm sure she'll know that you're for real and what you're saying is no joke.

      First date? Depends on what taste this girl particularly has. If you want to be traditional about it, take her out a movie and a dinner. Or you can definitely take her out somewhere more... exciting and fun. It just depends on her.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: starting dating from scratch (un-enthusiastic woops.)

      Jono wrote:

      You can't fall in love at 15...please don't look for it, you won't find it.

      Says who? You? Didn't realise you were the spokesperson for the whole freaking world.

      I have friends who have been together since 13 and are still together now, and are most definitely in love.. Obviously you missed those people when you scoured the world, huh?

      I'm guessing you just got rejected or something, so you're a little bitter about 'love'. No need to try and bring anyone else down, eh?