Problems with rich friends?

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    • Problems with rich friends?

      Hey y'all. So this is my first time posting...

      Lately I've been getting really annoyed at all of my rich and privileged friends.

      Here's the deal: my family has always been sort of poor; especially in the recession we've had to cut a lot of corners. At the same time, we live in the second richest public school district in my state because my parents wanted me and my three siblings to have the chance at a good education. Most people at my school have two houses, one here and one at the beach, (most of them have houses in europe and the caribbean) and 98% of them have really nice cars (mostly bmws and porches) that they drive to school everyday, despite the fact that we have a bus system. One of the kids in my grade was even on My Super Sweet 16.

      Kids in my grade also have a lot of "connections" and so even though they're teenagers, they get really good, high paying jobs (on average like $9.50-$11/hour!) with people they know just because they want something to do with their free time. I just lost my job when the restaurant where I work closed and I'm having a lot of trouble finding another one. I have to pay for at least 2/3 of my college tuition next year because my parents just can't afford it. All the kids in my grade get free rides to college from their parents. I almost just got a job at this bakery, but it went to another girl in my grade (who owns an Escalade) because her mom knows the owner. I asked her why she wanted to work there and she was like "oh, you know, I just need something to pass the time..."

      The annoying thing is, ALL of my friends are really rich, and so I can't ever vent to anyone about it because they sort of live in this bubble. I know it's not their faults that they're so wealthy, and it's not my fault that I'm not, it's just frustrating because their parents pay for EVERYTHING!! The majority of these kids have really high paying jobs but their parents still give them the credit card when they go to the mall. Like, today I went shopping with my one friend because we had off of school. She has a job babysitting for her parents' friends and her parents pay her to babysit HER OWN SISTER after school she makes around $250 PER WEEK! Still, she had her moms credit card with her and charged $300 worth of stuff. She bought a pair of Uggs for $160 randomly, even though she already has two pairs. Would it have killed her to pay for them herself?

      UGH sorry this is so long, but is it like this for anyone else? Is there any way to stop being jealous of my wealthy friends? It's just hard to watch them get so much stuff handed to them; they all have this gross sense of entitlement. My other friend got a car when she got her learner's permit, so it sat in her driveway for a whole year. The first time she drove it she backed into the wall of a building and it was totaled. Her parents bought her a new Audi the next weekend which she had them send back because she wanted a leather interior, not the one they got her. And they give her a gas card... I know I sound like such a whiner but I would be happy to even have a piece of junk car! Heck, I would be happy if my parents could afford to keep the house heated all winter! What do you all think?
    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      wow, i'm sorry you have to put up with that. nobody where i'm at is that rich, but there a few people who get daily allowances that kinda frustrate me because if i had that kind of money i could drive to school. (and it's either a 15 minute drive or 1 1/2 hour bus ride for me) given that you live in a pretty high price neighborhood, i'm surprised your parents picked that house. anyways, if you try to get a job, maybe you could emphasize a little more that you need the job. i'm sure some understanding employer would hire you over some rich kid who is working out of boredom. that's pretty rough what you have to go through.
    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      Don't pay any attention to them if you can. If you'll only going to focus on what they're doing, such as them getting everything they want, you can't focus on your own life and thus, you will remain jealous to your friends for a long time. Appreciate what you have at the moment.

      Remember what you said, you're lucky to go to a good school and you're at least living in a good neighborhood (despite your difference from the others). Some kids don't have a place to eat or a school to go to, but you do, so it's one of the things you should be grateful for.

      When you're thankful for the essential things in your life, you won't become too affected to what's going on in your surroundings. When you do that, you'll be a bit happier than you are currently.
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    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      why dont you stop being jealous of them and make good friends with them. Be nice to them and be nice to thier parents, and hopefully you can build a network. So if they know someone thats hiring they'll remember you and refer you. If you go through life being resentful, you'll never get anywhere. You have to make the best of what given you. Look at it as an opportunity to make friends with teh wealthy. Isn't it a good thing to have rich friends who can dish out money?
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    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      I can tell you that I'm in the same position but I understand that I can't change anything by being jealous. You have to accept it the way it is. The world it's unfair and there will always be people who have everything and these who are poor. My friends know that I'm not as rich as them and I'm not able to spend time like them or do shopping in the same places but they don't bother. I'm always making fun of it. For instance when we decide whose house should we choose for a pool party I say mine but we'll have to fit in a bath and call them bourgeoisie xd I'm taking pleasure in spending time in their expensive, beautiful houses, swimming for free, driving their cars, being in sophisticated places. Because of that I can feel I'm one of them and they also don't notice any diferences. I know that sometimes it's hard to watch them spend money i would earn during a month for some shit but... don't t tell me that being them you would act differently. My advice is to simply accept it. I think it's good to have rich friends even if you're not like them. There will always be more advantages than disadvantages in knowing influential people.
    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      Sounds like the problem's on your end. Jealousy is not a good feeling to let yourself indulge in. We all have different starts in life and we don't help ourselves by looking at grumpily at the fortunes of others. Just see them as humans, like yourself and keep them as good friends.

    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      hey don't worry about the money.
      i'm poor and my friends basically get whatever they want
      but it's not about that..
      just think about the good times you have together you know?
      not all the rich kids are stuck up... and seeings how pretty much all ur friends have more money they are your friends
      and you should beable to talk to them about anything.
      if you can't then they aren't very close friends..
    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      hey thanks for all the responses. i didn't mean to come off sounding greedy and resentful, i just needed to vent. i love all my friends, and i'm never rude to them about the fact that they're wealthy, just like they're never rude to me about the fact that i'm poor.

      and yeah, i should complain less. i've gotten to sleep over at some pretty sweet houses and to ride on my one friend's snow mobile.

      and i'm gonna try to establish good connections with my friends parents so that i have a better chance of getting a job. until then i'll keep looking

      thanks for the help!
    • Re: Problems with rich friends?

      clementine00 wrote:

      Hey y'all. So this is my first time posting...

      Lately I've been getting really annoyed at all of my rich and privileged friends.

      Here's the deal: my family has always been sort of poor; especially in the recession we've had to cut a lot of corners. At the same time, we live in the second richest public school district in my state because my parents wanted me and my three siblings to have the chance at a good education. Most people at my school have two houses, one here and one at the beach, (most of them have houses in europe and the caribbean) and 98% of them have really nice cars (mostly bmws and porches) that they drive to school everyday, despite the fact that we have a bus system. One of the kids in my grade was even on My Super Sweet 16.

      Kids in my grade also have a lot of "connections" and so even though they're teenagers, they get really good, high paying jobs (on average like $9.50-$11/hour!) with people they know just because they want something to do with their free time. I just lost my job when the restaurant where I work closed and I'm having a lot of trouble finding another one. I have to pay for at least 2/3 of my college tuition next year because my parents just can't afford it. All the kids in my grade get free rides to college from their parents. I almost just got a job at this bakery, but it went to another girl in my grade (who owns an Escalade) because her mom knows the owner. I asked her why she wanted to work there and she was like "oh, you know, I just need something to pass the time..."

      The annoying thing is, ALL of my friends are really rich, and so I can't ever vent to anyone about it because they sort of live in this bubble. I know it's not their faults that they're so wealthy, and it's not my fault that I'm not, it's just frustrating because their parents pay for EVERYTHING!! The majority of these kids have really high paying jobs but their parents still give them the credit card when they go to the mall. Like, today I went shopping with my one friend because we had off of school. She has a job babysitting for her parents' friends and her parents pay her to babysit HER OWN SISTER after school she makes around $250 PER WEEK! Still, she had her moms credit card with her and charged $300 worth of stuff. She bought a pair of Uggs for $160 randomly, even though she already has two pairs. Would it have killed her to pay for them herself?

      UGH sorry this is so long, but is it like this for anyone else? Is there any way to stop being jealous of my wealthy friends? It's just hard to watch them get so much stuff handed to them; they all have this gross sense of entitlement. My other friend got a car when she got her learner's permit, so it sat in her driveway for a whole year. The first time she drove it she backed into the wall of a building and it was totaled. Her parents bought her a new Audi the next weekend which she had them send back because she wanted a leather interior, not the one they got her. And they give her a gas card... I know I sound like such a whiner but I would be happy to even have a piece of junk car! Heck, I would be happy if my parents could afford to keep the house heated all winter! What do you all think?

      Firstly if they are that rich why are they at a public school???

      second I guess $9 an hour must be alot in the US (Im in 14 over here)

      Also best thing to do is become great friends with them then mooch off them