Help me?

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    • Okay so, I like this guy in my school. He's a junior and I'm a freshman. We used to have art class together but we just had finals and I have to start a new class on Monday. During art he would tease me and flirt with me (well at least it seemed like flirting). Whenever I would talk to other guys in my class I noticed him watching me. At the end of class, he would catch up to me and walk me to my locker. I really started to think that he likes me. My last class was this past Friday and I was looking forward to seeing him, but he had to go somewhere else. So I said "You're leaving?" and all he said was "Yeah." and then he walked out. Now I won't see him again except in the hallways but he's always walking with his friends and I'm too intimidated to talk to him. I don't know what to do.

      P.S. He doesn't have a Facebook and I don't have his cell number. :(
    • Re: Help me?

      If you're intimidated, maybe you can start off by just saying hi when you see him walking by. If he starts a conversation, great, but if he doesn't, at least he'll notice you and you may be a little more comfortable saying something to him as opposed to not saying anything at all. Relax and see how things are when you see him. He may even strike up a conversation with you, you never know. So, I think you should just see how things are and let it flow. Don't worry about talking to him so much. It's just a matter of breaking the ice and since you're at school and don't have a class with him anymore, you can talk about that.

      Hope this helped. Good luck.
    • Re: Help me?

      =] if you see him at his locker.. walk up to him.. if he's alone..
      just be like hey howz it goin good lookin :) lol
      not in those exact words..

      guys do love confidence
      make sure you know what you're doing =]
      make him your target..

      ask him what he's doing on the weekend.. and if he's not doin anything.. just be like.. some friends are going to the movies. you should come..

      or just.. invite him to something he might like.. no pressure though.. so make it a group date..

      make sure he knows ur interested, instead of just innocent flirting, so he takes you serious