Never Shout Never

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    • Re: Never Shout Never

      i KNOW i'm gonna be hated for this. pretty sure i can take it.

      his hair is the first thing i can't stand. it looks like he grew a 70s mullet and hid a possum in there. he wears those girly little headbands to keep the possum in place, though it constantly fights and wails to get away from him. that's the only logical explanation for his hair looking so ratty and unkempt.

      his lyrics are mediocre at best, when he even has them. my six year old brother writes "cute" songs. he didn't drop out of school to become youtube famous. and this guy, most of his songs are half-filled with "nanana" and other such unintelligible words, anyway. on to his actual singing.

      if you've heard robert pattinson sing on the twilight soundtrack, first off - i am so sorry. been there, done that. can't understand the guy. he slurs like lil wayne when he's downed "two goose, that's geese." this nsn fellow sounds pretty much the same way, only in a six-year-old version. he whines and yowls like a cat in heat taking it from behind. how that is considered music by ANYONE, i fail to understand. feel free to enlighten me.

      also, wtf with those man-flops? no guys should ever, ever wear flippy floppies unless they're on a boat with t-pain.

      before it comes up, no - i don't listen entirely to rap and have no taste whatsoever. i very much enjoy acoustic/indie music. just not this guy. and hopefully there's SOMEONE else that agrees on this forum.