This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

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    • This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

      Should I ask him out, or now? 13
        Ask him out, it's worth a try. (7) 54%
        No way, don't even think about it. (6) 46%
      Okay, well, I'm 15, my birthday's January 27th. Well, I like this amazingly good-looking guy, he's going to be 18 in May, and leaving for the Marine Corps. in July. He goes to Parris Island in South Carolina.

      Well, the problem is, I actually met him two years ago when I was in seventh grade during community service in the summer (great way to meet a guy, right?). Well, I'm in ninth now, so I guess it's actually three years. But the problem is I liked him even back then.

      And he was such a sweetheart. He'd walk to community service, buy me breakfast before we started, help me out so I wasn't always doing a bunch of work myself, we flirted, he'd walk me home every day. And he was so nice. When he would pick on me, I knew it was pure fun, no harm intended.

      Well I didn't see much after wards when community service was over. He'd volunteered until my last day, and then he completely stopped going. Obviously, I was done, so he was too. I'd only see him walking around town when I was hanging out with some of my friends and walking to their houses, or when we'd stop at turkey hill I'd see him once or twice, and over myspace I'd talk to him once or twice.

      Well, now this year, we have the same lunch, and the same English class. Well, he isn't the same. He's really into drugs, and alcohol, and doing stupid things. The boy never really had much common sense (rude, maybe. True, completely), but the drugs are not helping very much. Well, we talk now, and he's best friends with my brother.

      And we constantly flirt according mine and his friends, which I can't deny. And I also won't lie and say I've never done anything with him. He's an amazing kisser, and I've never gone all the way with him, but we've done some stuff.

      And the problem lies in how much I can never read him. The drugs, I swear, are making him bi-polar, and he's nothing like the sweetheart I met. I've got told so much, but I need the help. And it's only going to make sense with all the details.

      He picks on me still, but now, I really don't know is it's all good fun. He tells me it is, but sometimes the way he acts and seems like he does not care. Then there's the times he'll come up to me when I make a comment about how I think I'm ugly, and he'll say "No, your cute." and he'll insist that I am.

      And he knows that I'm completely head over heels for him, I don't hide it, and he's read my diary (long story). And when I tell him not to listen to my friends when they ask him out for me, which he never replies or just laughs, and I say "I tell them to leave you alone, because I know you'll just say no anyway." he just won't answer, or says "Yeah." or he'll change the subject.

      I just don't know what to do. My mom said he might not want a girlfriend right now because he leaves for the marines. My friends say he cares about me but won't show it. My cousin said it's because he's best friend with my brother. I just want to know if I should jump in and take the chance in asking him out, or just stay in the dark and never know, until he leaves for the marines and I never see him again.

      So, what should I do, how should I go about it, and why? I need to know. And it would really help me so much to know if I should or shouldn't.

      :)Thank you:)
    • Re: This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

      Knowing where you stand with him is better than not knowing at all and wondering "what if" all the time. If you really like him and want to go for it, then do it. You don't really have much to lose. If he doesn't want a relationship, it won't be so bad because he's leaving and not seeing him might make it easier for you to get over him. If he does reciprocate, just know what you're getting into. He is leaving and if you start something with him now, it's going to be hard to keep it going while he's away. Just be prepared for that. Ultimately, the decision to tell him or not is yours. Only you know how you feel and if you need to get this off your chest, go for it. Like I said, it's better than always wondering.

      Good luck. Hope this helped.
    • Re: This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

      honestly, this is the way i see it. if he goes off to the marines and you two are dating, that's going to be pretty hard on both of you, not being able to see each other much. the other thing is, how much does it matter to you whether or not he is doing drugs? if he continues further down that path, would you still want to be with him? oh and another thing, you did some fairly intimate things with him without actually being in a relationship together? it's your decision in the end, but make sure to weigh the pluses and minuses over dating him or not.
    • Re: This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

      Kenzie wrote:

      Well, now this year, we have the same lunch, and the same English class. Well, he isn't the same. He's really into drugs, and alcohol, and doing stupid things. The boy never really had much common sense (rude, maybe. True, completely), but the drugs are not helping very much. Well, we talk now, and he's best friends with my brother.

      This right here is why you shouldn't get involved with him, IMO. There will come a day when he'll have a run-in with the Man over his irresponsible activities, and you won't want to be there when he gets v&.

      Also, he's an adult and you're not, so that's another thing the Man might have a problem with, besides the drugs. It's just better to avoid these types of guys who may seem nice but are really just going to break your heart and bring you down with them. :(
    • Re: This issue has been bothering me for over a year, I need some help.

      Dr. Drew wrote:

      This right here is why you shouldn't get involved with him, IMO. There will come a day when he'll have a run-in with the Man over his irresponsible activities, and you won't want to be there when he gets v&.

      Also, he's an adult and you're not, so that's another thing the Man might have a problem with, besides the drugs. It's just better to avoid these types of guys who may seem nice but are really just going to break your heart and bring you down with them. :(
