Moving Out

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    • My parents are very strict Christians, and I have become an atheist. I feel conflicted with all their beliefs and actions, and I know that any confession on my part will result in endless fights. I feel like the only logical thing for me to do is to move out, but I completely lack any independence whatsoever, and am afraid that I won't be able to juggle uni, finding and dealing with a job at the same time as paying rent for a place near my uni and all the other bills involved. What I am worried about is failing, and then returning back to my family. What do you suggest I should do?

      Thanks in advance,

    • Re: Moving Out

      so you're a strong enough atheist that you can't live with your parents anymore, but you don't think you can handle living on your own yet? have you considered moving in with someone you know? at least for a temporary situation until you feel confident enough to go on your own. it's a big jump to go out on your own, so it might help some if you start with someone else first. just an idea.
    • Re: Moving Out

      First of all, you need to make sure that moving out will actually make it easier. As far as i understand from your story, you haven't told them yet about being an atheist. You could try and let them notice you're not as interested in the religion as they are. You know them better than me, but you can also first try to confess before you move out. There's only two ways it will go, and it might not be as bad as you expected. If it is, then there's still the possibility to move out.
    • Re: Moving Out

      More than likely your right it will cause endless fights, but depending on how Christan you say your parents are they might accually understand. My self having no faith I never told anyone offically before, in fear of what were taking about now. But try talking to them, they are ur parents u know. They may have different religious views but that shouldn't change anything.

      I hope this help PM me if u need anything else, I'll try to help :)
    • Re: Moving Out

      If your parents are "very strict Christians" I don't think they will be understanding of your atheism. However, you know them better than us, so go with what you think is best. If the only reason you're thinking of moving out is because their beliefs, etc. are getting to you, you may want to rethink it. Moving out and being on your own is a huge step and if you're not ready financially, mentally, etc., then you shouldn't do it. I think you'll be nervous/scared about it either way. Like I said, it's a big step and you shouldn't just dive into it. If it's what you really want, don't let the fear of being so independent stop you. Just know what you're getting into before packing your bags.

      I'm sure your parents are going to want to know your reason for wanting to move out, so be prepared to be questioned a little. And looking at this logically, you should really find a job first, save up your money and then start looking into a place for yourself. Think before you act and think everything through thoroughly, or you will have a harder time.

      If you're not ready to move out, then maybe talking to your parents is a better way to go. At some point, you may have to tell them anyway. It's who you are. It might be better to do it sooner rather than later, but as I said before, you know them and what might be better for yourself.

      Hope this helped. Good luck with everything.