WHAT?!? Twitter

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    • Re: WHAT?!? Twitter

      Lol. Well, I don't follow celebrities so I don't have that whole "at the mall with <insert person here>" thingy. I follow tech bloggers and my friends, mostly. They usually post stuff I do care about. Again, depends who you're following. You could call Google stupid too, if you only search for animal porn all day, but when you use it for something productive it's awesome.
      [center][size=4]Reach me at...
      henasraf.com &#9632; twitter.com/OhMrBigshot[/size][/center]
    • Re: WHAT?!? Twitter

      dokueki wrote:

      Lol. Well, I don't follow celebrities so I don't have that whole "at the mall with <insert person here>" thingy. I follow tech bloggers and my friends, mostly. They usually post stuff I do care about. Again, depends who you're following. You could call Google stupid too, if you only search for animal porn all day, but when you use it for something productive it's awesome.


      Animal porn?

      I would not call Google stupid, because there is a logical reason behind it. It is a search engine. People type in data, and the coding searches for websites with the similar data. Effective for research (and as you said...um... let's just say porn). You learn so much from Google, you learn nothing from Twitter, except what Miley Cyrus (oh wait, sorry, I forgot, she deleted her account) or your buddies are doing.

      The only problem with Google is it is over-rated, and you get the exact same results with Yahoo! Search.
    • Re: WHAT?!? Twitter

      FYI, I can debate about learning nothing from Twitter, because...

      1. It's a social, real-time search engine: you can read people's thoughts of any subject at real time. You can find links to reviews, articles, or just opinions on any tweet you search. Google made a real-time search deal with Twitter/Facebook for a reason. So beyond "official" articles about something from a big time writer, sometimes you can get a word from your friends about a per se movie, friends that you can trust and value their opinions more than someone random. Oh, and again, that's on top of finding links to filtered (crap links removed) articles and reviews about anything. And it's not limited to reviews and articles, that's just an example.

      2. Your friends post links to articles, videos, pics etc. on Twitter, and you can learn everything from those just as you would from Google. Big major differences are -- in Google you can only actively search something, while in Twitter you can find out about new things that might interest you by passively finding them in your feed. You only need to follow people with similar interests to yours. So again, if you don't try out Twitter, or don't at least try to value what it's meant to be, you can't expect us to value your opinions of a matter you don't understand about. Btw, best "researching" is actually trying the thing out. Like you can't say a cigarette tastes bad unless you try a smoke
      [center][size=4]Reach me at...
      henasraf.com &#9632; twitter.com/OhMrBigshot[/size][/center]
    • Re: WHAT?!? Twitter

      dokueki wrote:

      FYI, I can debate about learning nothing from Twitter, because...

      1. It's a social, real-time search engine: you can read people's thoughts of any subject at real time. You can find links to reviews, articles, or just opinions on any tweet you search. Google made a real-time search deal with Twitter/Facebook for a reason. So beyond "official" articles about something from a big time writer, sometimes you can get a word from your friends about a per se movie, friends that you can trust and value their opinions more than someone random. Oh, and again, that's on top of finding links to filtered (crap links removed) articles and reviews about anything. And it's not limited to reviews and articles, that's just an example.

      2. Your friends post links to articles, videos, pics etc. on Twitter, and you can learn everything from those just as you would from Google. Big major differences are -- in Google you can only actively search something, while in Twitter you can find out about new things that might interest you by passively finding them in your feed. You only need to follow people with similar interests to yours. So again, if you don't try out Twitter, or don't at least try to value what it's meant to be, you can't expect us to value your opinions of a matter you don't understand about. Btw, best "researching" is actually trying the thing out. Like you can't say a cigarette tastes bad unless you try a smoke

      Dude, you can't compare Twitter to cigarettes. I know cigarettes taste bad because they smell bad. Smell is similar to taste. So if I were to have have food that smelt bad, it is a guarantee it will taste like faeces from a mule with rectal bleeding.
    • Re: WHAT?!? Twitter

      There is plenty of noise on twitter, but there is noise everywhere. Even in this thread there are comments about "I knew you would comment" which is pretty much useless information for just about everyone. But everyone that clicked here is interested or curious about Twitter, so the noise is just a side effect, like the ads.

      If you build the right followers, Twitter can be a lot of fun. For instance, sports or other live events. Watching a baseball games is usually more fun with people, discussing or screaming at different parts of the game. But you can't always be at the park or watching with people. So if you follow other fans of the same team you're watching, you can communicate and discuss.

      For instance, "Hmm, Mike Pelfrey looks a little tired here, maybe they should pull him."

      "They just showed Pedro Feliciano warming up in the bullpen."

      "The Mets should bunt here, you have to get Castillo into scoring position to try to tie this game."