Help getting over a guy??!

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    • Help getting over a guy??!

      Ohkay so I started dating a guy June 12, 2008. We dated until November 21, 2008. I can't get over him! How the hell to i get over him! I went through depression and I could barley eat for about a month after he broke up with me. Then i cut myself for 4 months . I've cried myself to sleep for as long as I can remember cuz' of him. I like a guy but...ohkay this may sound weird....he either lives in another county (as in district of a state) or state. Cuz i live in Maryland and im not sure if he said North Carolina or North Caroline. Anyways i have no contact with that guy and hes the only other guy i like....Actually i love both of them. So how do i get over guy A (his names Lucas) and how can i contact guy B (His first name is Chris. His last name is like...Jellone er something, so if you know him you needddddd no make him contact mee! My myspace is on my profile and ask me fer my cell #(He's Blonde. like eighth grade, country accent...) so if you've ever been in this situation how did you get over it?
    • Re: Help getting over a guy??!

      I got with a girl in October of 2005. We split up in the December the same year. We got back together and went out 4 times in total. The last time was April 2007. We have had random hook ups since then. She was my first proper girl friend. And to be totally honest, I still love her. More than anything.

      Someone once said "Love is like war. Easy to start, difficult to end, impossible to forget."

      Its not a case of getting over him, because there is a high possibility you never will. Its been 5 years in October, and I'm still not over her. You just have to find the right person who made you feel the same way. I've had about 14+ girlfriends. 3 of which I would say I loved.

      I don't know if my random babbling helped, but I hope it cleared a few things up.

      Good luck
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    • Re: Help getting over a guy??!

      First, ouch! Can you not type in that extra small green letters, please. Geeeeezus. And second of all, you need to learn the difference between love and crush and like. And seems to me you LIKED these two kids. There is no way in hell you can love these two kids. Now, with Lucas, did you have sex with him? The reason I ask is because guys dump girls IMMEDIATELY after they get what they want, which is, vagina. Or guys dump girls when they know they won't get vagina for a while. So either way, it a lose lose situation. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but this is how I am. I don't bullshit around. To get over Lucas, you just need to take it one day at a time. Trust me, I had a girl back in the days and I still remember her til this day and mind you that was 3 years ago. But just take it one day at a time and meet new people. I'm not telling you to fuck these new people, but try to meet people and think about your future without Lucas. As for Chris, try him, but stop telling yourself that you love them, cuz you do not love them. This what you have is just a crush or like. Pick one of those, but not love. Btw, how old are you?

      ---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

      Oh! And what the hell is this about cutting yourself? Come on hon, don't do shit like that. Be strong. No guy is worth all that shit. Trust me. And I'm a fucking guy. Geeeeeeeeeezus.

      ---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ----------

      Another thing, do you see Lucas at school?