Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a "natural sweetener"

    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a "natural sweetener"

      JCpatriots wrote:

      Six liters a day, which you say you drink now (which is actually believable), is still a disgusting amount and way the hell too much to be drinking in a day. I used to drink a shitload of soda, about 2 liters a day on average at my worst. I can't even imagine 3 times that. That was basically getting up every few minutes, filling my cup, drinking it and then getting up about 15 minutes after I finished to grab another cup for a few hours of the day after I got home from school. I hardly ever touch soda anymore, unless it's the only thing in my house. Drinking soda makes you feel good for the slight jolt of caffeine you get, but as soon as you don't have it, you feel like crap. It feels good not to be so dependent on it and to drink things that are a lot better for you.

      I still don't believe your "I drank 12-18 liters a day" story, because it's flat out a lie; that's almost 3-5 gallons of soda. However, I'll play along and pretend you did. The caffeine was bad on your heart, but so would have been everything else, especially the sodium levels, as it has about 60 mg in a 20 oz bottle of Diet Pepsi (a human body really only needs about 500 to 1,000 mg a day to survive, though a 2,000 calorie diet lists the daily value at about 2,400 mg because almost everyone has more than 1,000 a day, because everything we eat these days has salt in it). So in that 12 liters you supposedly drank a day, that's just slightly over half of the recommended daily intake of sodium in just liquids (1,216 mg), and in these 18 liters you supposedly drank, it's about 3/4 of that (1,825 mg).

      Most of the sodium content we get comes from our foods. I'd say probably like 80ish percent of it in a day comes from food. Not only did the caffeine and all the preservatives and shit that's added to soda probably cause long term health issues, you would have been eating probably about 4,000 mg worth of sodium per day. Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, upon countless other major health problems. However, now that I think of it, you're probably kind of lucky that it did have some sodium in it. You probably would have killed yourself from water intoxication, where your body washes all the salt out of it's system from excessive liquid consumption, if it didn't.

      That is what is called a really bad caffeine addiction. Getting agitated and physically and mentally needing it is not good. Caffeine addiction is a bitch, and you REALLY should stop drinking as much soda as you do. Six liters a day is absolutely disgusting. You really should slowly wean yourself off of Pepsi and caffeinated products and starting drinking some healthier shit before you fuck up your health.

      I completely agree with everything you've said on the matter JC, batgirl's claim is beyond ridiculous :|
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a "natural sweetener"

      JCpatriots wrote:

      I'm sorry, but I don't believe that. A 20 oz bottle of Pepsi contains 250 calories in it. At a 12-18 liter rate a day, you'd be consuming anywhere from 5,070 to 7,605 calories in liquids alone*, as well as consuming the equivalent of 1,400 to 2,100 grams of SUGAR PER DAY not to mention what is added on in foods during the day. This would likely kill you in a very short period of time or probably give you like instant diabetes. You'd be consuming anywhere from probably 6,000 to 8,500 calories in total daily adding in food consumption, which I find nearly impossible to believe for someone your size. You would weigh TONSSSS. You'd have to exercise insane amounts (or have like a life-threateningly high metabolism) to keep that weight off. The Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps I've heard consumes about 4,000 - 6,000 a day, but he's able to burn it all off and stay in shape because of his intense workouts. Also, a liter of coke around here usually goes for like $1.50. You'd be spending $18 to $27 a day on soda alone.

      If it's Diet or Pepsi Zero or something, then disregard everything I said about calories and sugars above. However, this is still incredibly unhealthy. I still have an extremely hard time believing it, regardless. At my worst (and I drank soda like religiously at one point), I was maybe drinking maybe about 2 liters a day, which was bad enough. 9 to 12 times that is just unbelievable to me. You're drinking about the eqivalent of a 20 oz bottle of soda every hour all day long (24 hours, assuming you were to stay up all day). Assuming you're up 16 hours out of the day, you're drinking more than a liter per hour every hour you're awake.

      (*There are 33.8 ounces (oz) in a liter. 33.8 oz in a liter / 20 oz in a regulation coke bottle = 1.69 bottles of coke equivalent to a liter. Therefore, 1.69 coke bottles x 250 calories in a 20 oz coke bottle = 422.5 calories in a liter of coke. Multiply that figure by 12 and you come out with 5,070 calories in 12 liters of coke, or 7,605 in 18 liters of coke.)

      Jooonnnnn <3333333 :D

      Now, about the caffeine/aspartame/sugar thing. Personally I don't eat or drink anything with artificial sugar in it because it tastes like shit. Honestly, the weird aftertaste that aspartame causes makes me feel sick to my stomach. When I was younger I used to occasionally drink diet soda and chew sugar-free gum, but I've dropped artificial sugar completely and don't miss it.

      Real sugar and I are very close. :D Here's the damage I can do in a matter of a few days:

      I think the only reason I haven't got diabetes yet is that my metabolism is extremely high, and in spite of the large quantity of sugar and cholesterol I consume, I am actually very small and underweight for my age (129 lbs./59 kg.) Plus I am also addicted to foods that happen to be healthy, such as granola, yoghurt, strawberries, bananas, peaches, and fish like salmon and tilapia. Combine this with the fact that I work 40 hours per week in an environment where I'm constantly walking around on my feet and sometimes lifting frequently. I can easily see myself walking a total of 4 - 6 miles at work on a busy day. As long as I brush my teeth regularly and eat other foods that are healthy, I don't think my Dew-tripping will harm me any.

      Although if it were diet soda I'm sure I'd be dead by now. :o

      The post was edited 1 time, last by xyz123456 ().

    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      Regardless of whether you want to believe me or not, I know what I did to myself and I know it was stupid.
      And Jon, you're right. I should give it up. I've been trying to go less and less each month and got down to 2-3 litres a day. I just really don't have the willpower. As for health, that's already pretty shit. Whatever I do to myself I'll deal with in the long run and not complain
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      JAYcob. wrote:

      I drink 1/2 cans a day. I thought that was pretty bad xD

      :sarcasm: Where does the other half go?

      Batgirl, regarding your comments about aspartame earlier, can I just point out that the vast wealth of research into aspartame dismisses the health concerns raised and deems it safe.

    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      I can only hope so. xD
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      Esmo wrote:

      :sarcasm: Where does the other half go?

      Batgirl, regarding your comments about aspartame earlier, can I just point out that the vast wealth of research into aspartame dismisses the health concerns raised and deems it safe.

      No I meant 1-2 cans a day. Not half of one xD lmao.
      You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      Esmo wrote:

      Batgirl, regarding your comments about aspartame earlier, can I just point out that the vast wealth of research into aspartame dismisses the health concerns raised and deems it safe.

      Funded by whom? On the other hand, if you show me some independent research that shows aspartame is good, I'll be impressed.

      "Consumer lawyer Jim Turner said, 'The notion that an industrial company would take large sums of money and parcel it out to scientific consulting firms and university departments, who they consider to be personal and commercial allies, is an unconscionable way to ensure the safety of the American food supply.' He said the NutraSweet experience shows that 'the entire system of the way scientific research is done needs to be carefully investigated, evaluated and revamped.'

      "Matalon said, 'Let us say cigarettes were invented today and you give 20 people two packs a day and after six weeks, no one has cancer, would you say that it was safe? That's what they did with NutraSweet.'" [11]

      Though the FDA originally wanted the manufacturer indicted, eventually their loyalty transferred to the manufacturer. They distributed Monsanto's propaganda with a paper from the International Food Information Council Foundation which is rebutted by Mark Gold of the Aspartame Toxicity Center on the Dorway Web site. This disinformation is also distributed by trade organizations funded by the industry. The American Dietetics Association is often called Monsanto's media flack, and in the January l993 issue of the ADA Courier is a picture of smiling dietitians receiving a check for $75,000 from NutraSweet, admitting they write ADA's material.

      SOURCE: The Aspartame Epidemic - Healthy Eating - Health - Family Resource

      P.S. Stop trying to be a bad-ass.

      ---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 AM ----------

      The poisoning of the world's population by this FDA-approved potion is a tragedy on a scale unrivaled in history. Little blue packs of rat poison nestle in neat containers on every restaurant table, and it's added to thousands of foods. An avalanche of new afflictions is sweeping away the well-being of millions to feed the greed of corporations and bureaucrats without conscience, without honor. It is time to stop the massacre, destroy the destroyers.
      And it's also time to re-think whose side you want to be on.
      Check out my website:
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      JAYcob. wrote:

      I drink 1/2 cans a day. I thought that was pretty bad xD

      I don't drink any. I used to drink at least a bottle a day and that was because I was raised in a "Just one a day!" rule. And I hated going a day without some soda.

      Now I don't drink any, and when I do, I dislike it. It really doesn't taste good at all to me now.
      Except, root beer still does, but I still don't drink much of that. Maybe a few ounces every few months.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      I feel bad for the Coke drinkers. One good thing about being diabetic is it's a lot easier to drink diet, and since I started drinking it so early in my life, I love diet, and honestly can't stand normal.

      Wow. Completely forgot to read the OP, and apparently i'm worse off. Great.
      If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown also?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by rockshock28 ().

    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      rockshock28 wrote:

      I feel bad for the Coke drinkers. One good thing about being diabetic is it's a lot easier to drink diet, and since I started drinking it so early in my life, I love diet, and honestly can't stand normal.

      Wow. Completely forgot to read the OP, and apparently i'm worse off. Great.

      It depends, in some ways you're better off because it's less sugar...

      A lot of things are better for you + bad for you at the same time, just in different ways.
      You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      Lachlan wrote:

      Whenever I drink coke I can just feel it eroding away my teeth... how you can drink heaps of the stuff day in day out beats me :confused:

      I know what you mean about that. I drink through a straw. It helps a little xD
      You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      jaaaaake wrote:

      With zero connection to the government, FDA, and any corporation involved in the aspartame business.

      It doesn't get much more refreshingly independent than a university:

      This is a quote from, about the UK Food Standards Agency's ruling on aspartame:
      The U.K. Food Standards Agency also deems aspartame safe for most people and challenges the assertions of Internet rumormongers: "Some critics claim that aspartame is linked to a wide range of serious disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus erythrematosis, Gulf War Syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain tumors and diabetes mellitus. However, most of the data to substantiate these claims is anecdotal and no reliable scientific evidence is available to show that aspartame might be responsible for these conditions," the agency concluded.
      Now, before you tell me that the FSA is part of the UK government, I accept that it is. However, it is a non-ministerial department, meaning that it answers to the legislative body, not the government, the former of which you can't expect to form a unanimous front in the name of 'evil corporations'.
      It's also worth pointing out that big business doesn't hold the sort of sway in the UK that it does in the USA, and (quite relevant to the debate) that in 2006 it found that four soft drinks to have dangerous levels of benzene in them, so clearly it isn't afraid to stand up to the sweet trade.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Esmo ().

    • Re: Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a &quot;natural sweetener&quot;

      Esmo wrote:

      It doesn't get much more refreshingly independent than a university:

      This is a quote from, about the UK Food Standards Agency's ruling on aspartame: Now, before you tell me that the FSA is part of the UK government, I accept that it is. However, it is a non-ministerial department, meaning that it answers to the legislative body, not the government, the former of which you can't expect to form a unanimous front in the name of 'evil corporations'.
      It's also worth pointing out that big business doesn't hold the sort of sway in the UK that it does in the USA, and (quite relevant to the debate) that in 2006 it found that four soft drinks to have dangerous levels of benzene in them, so clearly it isn't afraid to stand up to the sweet trade.

      Stop trying to be the devil's advocate, you're not being cool. Instead go research what chemicals aspartame breaks down to in the human body and how it even got into the market in the first place.
      Check out my website: