Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

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    • Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      My school hosted an annual dance on Valentines day yesterday. The dance was origionally planned for late January, but was postponed for weather.

      Anyway, I am good friends with this girl who I've been going to school with for a long time. She even rides to school with me two days a week for early school activities we participate in.

      I decided to ask her to the dance (this is about 2 and a half weeks before the original date) I wanted to be creative in my approach to this. I knew she likes music. So on my Ipod, which was playing in my car, I changed a song's cover artwork to a message asking her to the dance. She said yes! Suprisingly, we talked more than we ever did during the next two weeks. She even showed me a picture of her dress so we could attempt to match!

      The next day, I bought both of our tickets. Then I heard it was postponed, so I held off on the rest of the expenses. Closing into Valentines day, I ordered her corsage. I also filled out a picture form for the both of us.

      The afternoon of the dance, She had told me that she was tired; (she's on the school's dance team and they just got back from State that morning) and that she would probably leave early. I agreed to this because I knew just how hard the team worked.

      I was waiting at the door for her when she arrived, and I put her corsage on her. We got our picture taken right away. I knew this would be more of a "hang out with friends" kind of dance. I ended up taking pictures of her with her friends using their cameras, so I knew she was starting to get in the friend mood. I told her that I would leave them alone for a little while and told her that I'd be back later.

      Sorry this is lenghty, almost done.

      The first slow song came on, and I went to look for her. She was hanging around her friends and I came up to them. They all looked at her telling her to get out there, but she said to them she didn't feel like dancing now. When I heard that from one of her friends, I decided to wait a little longer. The second slow song came about 25 minutes later. I looked for her, but couldn't find her. One of her friends told me that she left! I checked my phone, and sure enough, she told me that her brother did in fact come for her at 9:30 and that she was sorry. I don't think that I could blame her since her brother had come for her, but I'd at least wish she had told me. But she was only there for an hour. I kind of felt stupid after hearing that from her friend.

      I danced with the guys for the rest of the night, trying not to think of it. It was after the dance when the whole situation started bothering me. I asked myself; "her ticked, her corsage, her picture, the song on my Ipod, that was about $75 on my part.

      My sister (who rode in with me) told me to just forget about her if she was going to do that, but I've known her for a long time. She never seemed to be the kind of person to do that without a huge reason. And like I said, the two of us have never talked more to eachother than after I asked her to the dance. We had today off from school, so I haven't talked to her since this happened yesterday.

      All I'm asking for is what everyone thinks about this situation? She did apologize, so should I try to give it another chance, or should we just be friends?

      Thanks for those who took the time to read this, I know it's long. Any advice from you all would be great, especially if you have gone through a similar situation yourself!

      The post was edited 4 times, last by BKKokesh ().

    • Re: Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      In my opinion, you should give it another chance. At least she apologized and it seems like she wasn't trying to bail on you intentionally. If you like her and want to give it another shot, go for it. Like I said, in my opinion it doesn't seem like she's trying to push you away. If she wanted to just bail on you, I don't really think she would have apologized. She enjoys your company, or else she wouldn't have agreed to go. I don't see any harm in trying again. But to avoid having it be too 'hanging out with friends', you should hangout with her one on one. It's still casual, but it gives you the opportunity to spend time with her without friends. So, you can see how she acts around you and if she acts differently with you than with other people.
    • Re: Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      Yes, give her another chance. Just this time, do not put so much into it. I think the idea of casual is good. Without friends also. (sorry if just agreeing with person above)
      If you say she's not the kind of person that would do that, then maybe she was just having a bad day or something was on her mind. If her friends were telling her to dance with you, then she most likely told them she likes you, otherwise they would not have done that. I think if you give it another shot, it'll turn out better.

      And sorry for your bad valentines day. but i think it'll be nothing more than a memory you and her will look back on together.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      She deserves another chance. Just continue the talking the way you did before the dance. Why did you not hang out with her during the whole dance? That was not a smart move. It was a chance you could have had to have more experience being around her and her friends. Get more comfortable being around each other. It wasn't that big of a deal, you knew she was leaving early, yet you chatted with your friends during the beginning of the dance. Could you not have hanged with her until she had to leave, then hang with your friends??
    • Re: Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      Thanks for the advice everyone!

      Since you all seem to be wondering, the dance team just got back from state the morning of this dance! So they all wanted to go together. Also, they like taking pictures with eachother, which they were still doing after she left. So I figured that for the first 20 minutes or so, I would leave them alone. And like I said, when the first couple song came on, I went over to them, but she didn't want to.

      Thanks again you guys!
    • Re: Bad Valentines Day=( *Advice Please*

      see its definately nt her fault....think of d situation.....u feel sick.....u hav a pain n u still have 2 dance.....pathetic.....or take another example......u hav 2 go to see ur mom who in hospital so will u wait 4 a stupid dance 2 get over....i hope u dun lol
      bt dere must be sum strong reason y she did u told shes nt dat type of gul so i think u should give her a chance :)
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