School Girls

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    • School Girls

      So i catch the train to school each day, and there are always tonnes of hot chicks on the train, and even when i get off the train, they all walk the same way with me (for about 10 mins) on the way to school (they go to a girls school right next to mine). So i have tried talking to them, but have trouble because im not sure what to talk about, and it gets really awkward. How should i go about it, and please, i need help with how i can start talking to them (like first introduction examples) what i should bring up or whatever.

    • Re: School Girls

      after youve introduced yourself and used the usual lines like 'how are you' 'how was your day today/yesterday' etc

      then just talk about her and keep asking questions, not to the point that its weird but just act really interested and pay attention to whats shes saying

      and a :) always helps
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: School Girls

      Uh, I'm going to ignore some of things in your post that irked me and just give advice.

      I think the best way to start a conversation with any of them is to ask how it is to go to a girls' school and if they like going there, etc. You're not asking anything too personal, you'll seem curious, and be able to start a light conversation.
      [FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Hey, I'm Melissa. Nice to meet ya![/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: School Girls

      LiLxMiSSY93 wrote:

      Uh, I'm going to ignore some of things in your post that irked me and just give advice.

      I think the best way to start a conversation with any of them is to ask how it is to go to a girls' school and if they like going there, etc. You're not asking anything too personal, you'll seem curious, and be able to start a light conversation.

      Sorry but what "irked u" and thx, thats the kind of answer i was wanting:cool: