I guess i'm just confused ..

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    • I guess i'm just confused ..

      Me & my boyfriend have been dating for two months . i am 15, he is 17 . niether one of us are virgens . & being honest, i love him & he loves me . about two weeks ago i told him i was not ready to have sex yet & he said that he is but he could never stand himself if he pressured me into doing something i didnt want to & he told me to take all the time i need . well; about five days ago we were making out on my bed & i in a round about way told him i was ready . he asked me if i was one hundred percent sure, if there are any second thoughts & all kinds of stuff to make sure i really am ready . & after all the questioning he smiled & we made out some more . then today on msn homepage there was a thing called "what teenage boys really think about sex" . i was temped to click on it, so i did . & i read it all . & i guess that a good percentage of boys who have sex with a girl soon loses all respect &/or intrest for her . &i could never deal with that .. yet; i am ready to have sex with him . i'm just scared that he won't love me after we do . i dunno if anybody can even give me any advice but i feel better just typing it all up & stuff .
    • Re: I guess i'm just confused ..

      Having confused feelings and/or thoughts about a topic as serious and intimate as sex is definitely normal -- especially at your age. And to be quite honest, this is something that you should be absolutely a hundred percent sure you want to do. Don't let yourself get pressured by anyone, because this should be your decision to make and yours alone. If your boyfriend is willing to wait until you are ready, then perhaps you should wait until you're ready.

      One thing you should do is to talk to your boyfriend about it and see what he has to say. If you still like you're ready to have sex and you're ready for whatever outcome there is, then go for it.

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: I guess i'm just confused ..

      He won't leave you if you have sex. Think about how many relationships would be broken if that were true. Something tells me that the article you read was put there to make girls not want to have sex before marriage. Personally, I think it would be better to wait, but if you both want to, that's fine. And in the slim chance he does break up with you after sex, then you are better off without him if that's all it takes. Don't let an internet article scare you, all situations vary from couple to couple, and no single article can predict what will happen in a relationship.
    • Re: I guess i'm just confused ..

      If the guy is young then he probably will loose interest in the girl after sex, and become disinterested. This isn't always[I][/I] the case, it depends on his feelings for you. I think it also depends on how long the relationship has lasted.

      I wouldn't have sex with someone I've been with for like a week or two, unless it was the only thing I wanted from them. I think you're in the safe zone after a month, his feelings are more on the for real side. What guy would stick it out for more than a month, unless it was some incredible ass he could tap. So in the aspect, I don't think he'd leave u after.

      What's more important here is that you need to wait until you're 100% percent ready, when there's absolutely NO[B][I][U][/U][/I][/B] doubt in your mind that you want to do it. There's no shame in waiting, and if he gets upset, touch titties, he's just a douche if he gets upset over some shit like that. It'll mean more, be more special if you wait until you're ready to give it to him, and after you probably won't feel like you've made a horrible mistake. If you're having second thoughts, wait some more. Tell him, "You know I though i was ready, but I'm not, I just don't feel like we should take that step yet until we're both[I][/I] ready...I'm almost there, but not quite" if he's understanding, he'll be cool with it...and he sounds like he's a pretty good guy about it :)
      [CENTER][COLOR="Green"]I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other. [/COLOR]