I like this boy from my last post, and it's all wrong. I need some help.

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    • I like this boy from my last post, and it's all wrong. I need some help.

      Well, in my last post, I got advice on this boy I like, a lot. Well in school, I was in school Monday, but I was out of school because of needing to take a lie detector test, something that's of no big relavence to this. Then, on Wednesday, my second day out of school, I was in the hospital. So I wasn't in school much.

      Well, I came back to school and he was a real jerk to me. For no reason out of the blue. My best friend, James, :gay:(who's gay) was sitting with me at lunch, and I sit at the table right next to him and his idiot clan. Well, he's was throwing stuff at the table and making really rude comments towards James, and I told him to shut up. Well, obviously James moved, making the comment that my "Boyfriend is such an asshole.".

      And he's not even my boyfriend. That's the thing. And he was a jerk to me after ward. He found notes that I had written to James and gave to him, and read them with his friends and laughed about everything that was in them. And I don't even remember what was in them.

      And this happened before, so it's not a new thing. I was joking around before with him and said "The drugs are making you bi-polar." and he told me that he actually was bi-polar. If it's true or not, I have no idea.

      But the point is, he apologized the last time, and told me it wouldn't happen again. And that was the next day. It's been two days now, and I decided to completely ignore him until he apologizes. And this only started after he found out that I was going to ask him out.

      Does that mean he doesn't like me? Or that he's just showing his true colors now? Its really hurting my feeling, and his best friend, well, he's such a sweetheart and always tells him to stop making fun of me and that he shouldn't be a jerk to me. And god love the kid, he tries so hard to apologize for him. He even jokes with me that we "fight like a married couple.", and he tries to smooth things over. But that's not his job, it's the guy I likes job.

      So, should I talk to him about it, or just keep ignoring him and see if he comes around to apologize?

      Please help.:(
    • Re: I like this boy from my last post, and it's all wrong. I need some help.

      Honestly, if he's not going to meet you half way and at least explain to why he's acting out the way he is, don't worry about it for the time being. Personally, I wouldn't mess with someone who treated a good friend of mine that way or someone who treated me that way either.

      However, sometimes people deserve second chances depending on the situation. Since you've tried so hard on your end, I suggest you stay away from him for now. See if he'll approach you about the situation and apologize, if not, it's not the type of person you want to deal with in the first place.

      Truthfully, he could be acting this way for several reasons, it wouldn't hurt to ask him what his deal is, see the type of response you get. As I previously stated, if it's not what you want to hear, stay away from him for the time being.