Need Girl's Help!!!

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    • Need Girl's Help!!!

      At my school, I am CONSTANTLY watching girls go up to some guy on the Football or Swim team, and flirt. constantly. I've been in High School for 2 years, and not a single female has ever approached the table where me and my 2 other nerd-buds sit, unless its a "My Calculator Broke - Fix It" type of thing...
      How important Are Looks to girls, honestly???
      And How can I make myself more appealing, and still have time for my 3 science classes, and 2nd year calc???:confused:
      Thanks in advance
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      I'm not a female, but I'm one of those guys who was on the football team. It's all about the approach man. Don't come on to strong, and be sure to spit some game. 2 good compliments, and then 1 thing she could improve on. Show's them that you're interested, but at the same time, don't care. Usually always flawless depending on the girl.
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      for me, it's not important. But, I can't really speak up for other girls, I mean we have the so called "individual differences" , I believe though that many girls would still go for someone who has a better personality, we can't expect for a perfect man right?

      I don't exactly know how can you make yourself more appealing, since it's also my problem hehe, but in my humble opinion, you need not have to actually make yourself more appealing. Well it's not bad to change the way you dress up a bit, but to totally change yourself , your identity at that, just to be more appealing is I guess not a good idea. Try to exude more confidence. Be more positive about yourself, remember everything comes from deep within you.

      I think the "my-calculator-broke" type of thing would prolly be a good start for you to stir up a convo with a girl. Or, try to approach girls nicely, instead of waiting for them to approach you. There's no harm in trying.

      Now, if you've done everything and still nothing happens, well, you haven't met the right girl for you yet . I believe She will surely cross your way in due time ;)


      take care of yourself and Godbless you..

      (:blush: i hope this would help you even just a bit)
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      I'd say looks are almost as important as personality (in young relationships anyway). If you aren't physically attracted to someone in the beginning, well, what type of relationship will that be? Not physical at all, which puts the fun in, and fuels the fire of all new relationships.

      Try being more social. From the looks of your post, I'd say you aren't exactly a extroverted person who goes after a girl he is interested in. Confidence, looks, conversation, hunter attitude are all things you need to use to get the girls.
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      CrashKas wrote:

      I'd say looks are almost as important as personality (in young relationships anyway). If you aren't physically attracted to someone in the beginning, well, what type of relationship will that be? Not physical at all, which puts the fun in, and fuels the fire of all new relationships.

      Try being more social. From the looks of your post, I'd say you aren't exactly a extroverted person who goes after a girl he is interested in. Confidence, looks, conversation, hunter attitude are all things you need to use to get the girls.

      What about the guys like myself who don't really have the -attractive- quality about them?

      I'm in sorta a similar situation to the topic starter, but instead of being just ignored, I've been flat out told that I'm not attractive.
      Where do I go from there? lol
      [CENTER] [SIZE=1]If that's what you are into.
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      Albatross seven wrote:

      What about the guys like myself who don't really have the -attractive- quality about them?

      I'm in sorta a similar situation to the topic starter, but instead of being just ignored, I've been flat out told that I'm not attractive.
      Where do I go from there? lol

      If you have a girl you're friends with, it's be a good idea to have her pick out some new clothes for you, do your hair, have her help you out on a physical sense and generally making you look more attractive to the ladies. Girls know other girls best, so it's useful to have a close girl friend in these situations.

      If all else fails, pick up a musical instrument, my friend. Guitars or drums work best ;)
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      I don't think you'd actually want those girls even though they may be a good self esteem/ego boost every once in a while. I personally like a guy who looks groomed and not like they've been sleeping in the dumpster. I don't see what's wrong with being able to fix things cause at least you can do something practical instead of paying someone else to do it.

      Perfect looking guys with good bodies don't cut it unless they have an honest personality. But you don't have to be good looking to attract girls. If you're good natured and willing to help people and friendly, people will draw towards you. Plus nerds will always be dominant later in life. Nerds will end up being people's bosses. By the looks of your subjects, I'm pretty sure you'll come into contact with girls with similar interests that will appreciate who you are and what you can do, as opposed to girls picking guys over popularity status or looks. (I go to uni in the science faculty so I know nerdy people)
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      In all honesty, high school is the most superficial point in your life. (I'm a little older hah)

      The most important thing is to stay true to you. There it nothing more attractive that a guy who is confident (NOT cocky!), open minded, funny, a good listener, and supportive.

      You can cover up "ugly" but it's impossible to cover up a bad personality.

      Also, keep in mind, different girls are attracted to different types of guys. Don't get heart broken if the "captain of the cheer squad" won't give you the time of day. Chances are, you don't want that mess anyway.

      In terms of making yourself more attractive:
      -Be clean! I cannot stress this enough, even a supermodel looses their appeal if they smell bad.
      -Be friendly! Hold doors, say thank you, smile, ask "how are you?" Girls find that refreshing.
      -Be available! Show girls that you are interested! Take a few seconds out of your day to stop her in the hall an make small talk.
      -Don't try too hard. If you feel like you're acting too much like someone that you're not, stop! You want the girl to like you for you, not who you pretended to be.

      Hope this helped! Good luck!
      [CENTER]we fucked our ears-we fucked our throats
      screaming for the sake of what we love most
      lose your voice and make it hurt

    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      For me, its honestly not about looks. I like guys who have personality and who are confident but not cocky. I HATE cocky guys and wouldn't give them a second look. I also like guys who can genuinely make me feel special...not BS lines.

      Also, while its not about physical looks for me, I do like a guy who dresses nice. Nice jeans and a button up shirt or a polo or a nicer t-shirt.

      Theres a girl out there for you...good luck!
    • Re: Need Girl's Help!!!

      Most of the advice given had been great but, to some degree to you need to do something a bit more extreme to break-out of your social clique. Try a new outfit and haircut, then just be friendly. Talk with girls you sit next to, chat with whoever you're in the hall with. Finally, it might seem rude/wrong but, if you sit in a group of "nerd-buds" you become very inapproachable to girls. You need to find some way to sit with a girl at the beginning of lunch before you set-up your nerd fort.

      Oh an I do feel your pain, I was the genius mathematician at my high school too. One thing I found though was the less time I better grades I got, I was working a full-time job, along with 2nd year calc, 2 science classes and a load of tough classes. You can find the time to hang-out/work on hygiene/work-out if you try, just make it happen.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]