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    • Re: crossdressing

      You'd say nothing even if you get some kind of 'pruuv ow ard u r' dare, to be fair. It's easy saying you'd sue him for everything you have, but putting youself on the end of what could be the most brutal punishment you may ever recieve? Nah, you'd fag out like most of us would.
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    • Re: crossdressing

      Ahaha. =P. Fair point.
      But i've known a lot of people who are all gob and nothing else.
      If I hear on the news that Mr. Jordan is being sued for punching someone, i'll literally write down my words and eat them. Youtube for proof.
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    • Re: crossdressing

      'Cept I'm not talking any kind of shit. I haven't given any of my combative credentials or anything of the sort. All I said is that he's in a lose-lose situation if I did call him gay for cross dressing. Worst that happens to me is that I lose the fight and I get a yacht out of it. ;)
      Sweet dreams.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ripplemagne ().

    • Re: crossdressing

      And i'm just saying that the chances of someone actually following through with saying that they're going to call him gay is pretty minimal. I'd say only Mr T, Chuck Norris, and maybe Arnold Schwarzanegger would do it. =P
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      [LEFT][SIZE=2]People say I only see what I want to. So why do I see you?![/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: crossdressing

      You seem to be under the impression that only professionally trained fighters have the balls to say something to someone. I, personally, don't think it makes him gay if he cross dresses, but I'm a Libertarian. My freedom of speech isn't getting limited.

      A professionally trained fighter would never hit a normal person though. Pretty much in all circumstances, they're in the wrong and are heavily penalized.
      Sweet dreams.
    • Re: crossdressing

      Nah, i'm not saying that. I'm just saying that the people with the cojones to do it... end up with no cojones. Ahaha.

      Well yeah. Besides, if he did he'd be kicked out of a job quicker then a failed suicide bomber. He'd have to be stupid to do it.
      Mind you... he's with Katie Price. Stupid must run in his blood. [Another thing I wouldn't say to him, lmfao]
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      [LEFT][SIZE=2]People say I only see what I want to. So why do I see you?![/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: crossdressing

      I do not understand why someone would, and if one of my friends told me that they did this, I might be a bit weirded out at first, but then I would eventually not be since a) they're my friend, and b) it's their choice, and it's not that weird. I wouldn't do it myself, but if you want to do it, more power to you. I just don't understand the reasoning/feeling behind it.
    • Re: crossdressing

      I LOVE people that aren't afraid of cross-dressing, no matter what their gender or sexual orientation is. It's a ridiculous and stupid stereotype that men can only wear 'manly clothes' and girls can only wear dresses and 'pretty' clothing. Personally I love dressing in guyish clothing and can't classify my style as feminine or butch.

      If you can handle the way people will react, go for it, dude!
    • This past Halloween my sisters talked me into being a girl for Halloween, my older brother told me the year he did it he got loads of candy because our neighbors said it took a lot of courage

      this year we went to Wisconsin to see are cousins and trick or teated in there neighborhood, had I not for got my costume at home it would never had happen

      my girl cousin along with my sister went all out even more so with me than my brother 2 years ago (believe my it was my cousin) they made me talk a bath and then they did make up and spread perfume on me then handed me panties that’s when I really started to object but four of them against me because my brothers and boy coup were already out T or T, so the panties then a training bra then pantyhose then the dress when we fought up withe other guys I had more candy then they had. Not because so much for being courageous but every house we went to they asked why I didn’t wear a costume

      my cousin was very quick to say “HE IS or should I say SHE IS”

      after dropping the candy off at my cousins house we went to a Halloween party being from out of twin like my brothers and sisters
      We were introduce to the friend s of my cousins. My girl cousin couldn’t wait it introduce me as a girl. I hated that because the boys kept hitting on all evening, they thought I was a real girl because my sisters and brothers and my boy cousin play along calling me a girl.

      Well it when the party was over and we were back at my cousins house my girl cousin and my 2 sister complained to our mothers that it wasn’t fair that I got hit on more than they did combined

      my mom aunt just looked at the girls and told it was there fault for making me look like a real girl, the girls got their revenge by making me sleep in a nightgown and know one not even mom and dad would let me have my boy clothes back until we left for home

      dressing as a girl wasn’t bad but thought it would be like me brother he got to wear his own underwear and no bra or makeup and he got his boy clothes back as soon as we got home but that was 2 years ago and we were not at my evil cousin house