cant decide.......

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    • cant decide.......

      who? 11
        gorgeous bad boy (1) 9%
        sweet ex (1) 9%
        besfriend (5) 45%
        starto ver (4) 36%
      so i cant decide what i want more, the gorgeous bad boy who keeps hurting me, and probably always will. the amazingly sweet to me ex, that broke up with me for another girl and is now single, that i am secretly still in love with. or my bestfriend who i have hurt too many times to count but yet is still here every time i need him, and always on my mind, and i wonder what we could be. or if i just wanna start all over with someone new.... any advice?
    • Re: cant decide.......

      Depends if your best friend is romantically interested in you or not. The 'bad boy' and your ex are a definite no. See if you can tell if your friend is interested before you confront him directly, it would be a shame to ruin a friendship because you had feelings for him that he cannot reciprocate. If he isn't interested, find another male.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell
    • Re: cant decide.......

      I believe anyone who has hurt you in the past, doesn't deserve another chance with you. Like others said, if your best friend is romantically interested in you, and hes a sweet guy who is always there for you, I don't see why you guys couldn't be more then good friends. Its really what your heart wants though, we can't make the decision for you.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling