anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

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    • anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

      well right now its almost 7 AM i have been up since 4 PM yesterday and i have to stay up untill 6 PM tonight cause i have counseling of witch i hate. anyways its not odd for me to stay up 24 hours a few times a week anyone else have a fucked up schedule? also my mom bitches thats its bad for my health is that true?
    • Re: anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

      Yes, its true that its bad for your health.
      I have a messed up sleeping pattern also, so I know how you feel.
      I don't go to sleep until about 7-8 am, and then I'll either get 3-4 hours of sleep, or 6-7.
      Have you tried Melatonin?

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

      Sleep is when both your brain and body heal and is really important. I had a really messed up sleeping schedule over the summer because I was working two jobs and all kinds of over-time, really screwed with my body.

      I get 7 hours a night every night now, and I couldn't feel better. (not to rub it in or anything)
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

      Linda wrote:

      Yes, its true that its bad for your health.
      I have a messed up sleeping pattern also, so I know how you feel.
      I don't go to sleep until about 7-8 am, and then I'll either get 3-4 hours of sleep, or 6-7.
      Have you tried Melatonin?
      i have sleeping ad's i just dont like useing them cause they put me to sleep for like 18 hours and then i feel like i havent accomplished anything so i try not to take them and my mom gets pissed about it but i like to stay up late cause i live in a household of 8 as of 2 weeks ago [my grand father passed away] and i like it when no ones yelling and stuff and because of where i live in the middle of no where i never escape and my parents dont like to take me to friends houses and stuff
    • Re: anyone else have a fucked up sleeping schedule?

      I use to have those issues when I was younger. Staying up for long stints of time. now I seem to wake up for no reason whatsoever. Sleeping so peacefully in the dead of quiet and just wake up abruptly. I have to talk myself into going back to sleep at times.
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