it needs sorting

    • it needs sorting

      i have been with my boyfriend since august and it was going great but now we hardly ever talk during the week and i only get to see him during the weekends. These days it just feels like im going round his house to have sex or 'watch films' i dont feel like we talk that much anymore about anything and its 'not like the good old days' like in year 11 when all our friendship group was together and we always saw eachother but now he's gone to college and i've gone to sixth form.

      Feeling abit bummed out about this and im not sure what to do. it all feels like a never ending routine and pretty much the same thing happens every weekend. hmmm. advice would be much appreciated on how to get out of the routine and even ideas as to what to do at the weekend lol -_- x
    • Re: it needs sorting

      Well, I think you should first talk to him about how you're feeling. Let him know that you're concerned with the way things are going, and see what he has to say. Things change and it's sometimes hard to keep up with the changes, but you have to be able to work through them. If you're not happy with the way things are, let him know. Things may not significantly change right off the bat, but if you're both working together to keep the relationship going, it's possible to get out of the rut that you seem to be in.

      Communication is very important in relationships. You don't have to talk every day, if you're both busy, but you can try to make time for each other to just talk, even if it's for a little while. I'm sure once you talk about the issues you're having, the two of you can decide on how you want to handle it. If the reason you don't talk until the weekend is because of busy schedules, then maybe you two could reach some sort of compromise.

      Everyone goes through a rut in their relationship, at some point. You just have to work through it and come up with ideas to make it exciting again. If you're always staying in, then you should go out every now and then. Go for walks, go out to eat, hangout with friends, etc. The only way it's going to work is if you're both willing to make it work. You both need to be on the same page.