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    • Re: looks...

      juicycouture21 wrote:

      wow, seriously pallas get off my thread your an egotistical jerk and you didnt have to speak for me to realize that i just had to look at your concited picture you have of your abs, go get a life hun. Also thanks Linda:)

      No problem,girls need to stick up for each other :). Honestly, just ignore pallas. He's 80% douche bag, 20% troll.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: looks...

      YES. Bodyweight is an issue.

      Almost every guy I know would go for the thinner girl, simply because she is thinner. Us men are shallow like that.

      Big girls can be very attractive, though. I think if you're just confident with yourself [Note - confident, not arrogant] then you should find it fairly easy to get someone.

      I'd say, though, that you shouldn't go LOOKING for a boyfriend. Never ends well when you're trying to force it.
      [RIGHT][SIZE=2]Be creative - formspring.me/DannyRar[/SIZE][/RIGHT]

      [LEFT][SIZE=2]People say I only see what I want to. So why do I see you?![/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: looks...

      Linda wrote:

      No problem,girls need to stick up for each other :). Honestly, just ignore pallas. He's 80% douche bag, 20% troll.

      Come on, more troll than that.

      Anyways, 12% BF on a girl leaves little for boobage, im at about 10-11% now, and at that, if i chopped off the fat on most of my body, to the point my skin was at about 4-5% bodyfat (totally impossible to maintain tbh) id have very little for boobs and ass. Most girls with any shape have 16%+ BF.

      A woman with less than 10% BF and we're talking bodybuilder BF, like seriously shredded and zero boobs unless we count fake implants to retain some form of woman hood.

      Also, im going to humour you palas, that picture must be very old for you to have reached 205lb's with 8% BF since, as that pic shows a fella of about 8% BF who at 5' 11" certainly ways no more than 170lb's, a 205lb man at 5'11 is twice the size of that, and 35lb's of lean gain is well over a year, and for most people, probably about 2yrs of hard training, unless your juicing, in which case, i lol at your testicles. a 220lb bench at 205lb's is also very weak, the squat and DL are good but really, 220lb's bench?????

      Im sorry but posting a stolen avatar from facebook of some skinny faggot with self confidence issues bearing his ab's is a favourite of sad little trolls, sorry, not havin it.

      If your genuine you wont feel the need to defend yourself but in my books, your just a troll, ive seen to many like you to take you seriously, its like all these e-whores that troll teenhut and post pictures that they also stole from somewhere, even though in real life theyre 15 yr old boys who think theyre the funniest thing on the internet.

      12% BF on a woman= professional athlete level of BF, there is no room for a dude with 12% bodyfat to have curves so how is a girls supposed to have them????? How many female triathletes do you see with great big breasts and curvy hips, that'd be NONE, and most women pro triathletes are runnin round at about 10-15% BF, bout the same as those wee little gymnasts, dont see any boobs there either tbh.

      Yes pallas, if 12% or above is fat for a girl, i LOVE the fat girls.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().