Got stood up 2 nights in a row by my friends

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    • Got stood up 2 nights in a row by my friends

      Since I started High school I got kind of quiet and my friends drifted away from me, we started hanging out more recently (going out drinking etc.) and I was hoping to have more fun with them on the Spring break. They came to me at work and asked if I wanted to go out that night, I said sure and they were going to pick me up when I was done. When I closed up and they werent there I called and they said that nothing was going on anyways and that they were out of town (10-15 minutes away), I was a bit annoyed, since I paid so they could get some stuff, but not really mad. Today the same thing happened, but they said they were just leaving the other town to come back when I called them after work. They told me they would call me at home, I sat and waited for about an hour while watching a movie, but they never called. What should I do, I've been told already that I should find new friends, but that doesnt reallly work in the small town I live in, and I'd like to stick with the friends I used to hang out with before. I've never been really popular, but we were all really good friends before, then everyone started drinking, and my parents got really strict and made me check in all the time and tell them exactly where im going, with who, and practically wanted a schedule for the night, so I stopped going out altogether, and just recently started to make some friends back... can anyone help at all? I really dont want to lose my friends again and I dont know if theyre blowing me off or if they were just screwing with me this whole time...
    • Re: Got stood up 2 nights in a row by my friends

      Have you tried just sitting down and having a serious talk with them? I think thats your best bet right now. The same thing happened to me with a friend of mine not to long ago, and after the 2nd or 3rd time, I stood up for myself. After that, she never ditched me again, and I think found a new respect for me. Next time they do that to you, explain that it makes you really pissed off when they ditch you for no reason, and its putting a strain on your relationship.

      As for your parents, have you tried to talk to them about giving you some space? How old are you?

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling