What is frienship for you?

    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      It depends on friendship. I actually choose love because on of my so called friends was hurting my GF. And i got in fight because of girl :D . You can forget a friend for many reasons but you will never forget love.

      If i had to choose my best friend over girl friend . i actually don't know what to do :D :angeldevil:

      p.s i won in fight :D Guy who i fight with was a 8th grader and I'm 6th grader :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Xploud ().

    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      To me, friendship is between two people who can depend on each other, and ask for help. Friends go through the good times together, and work through the bad times. Much like a real relationships between boyfriends and girlfriends. The only difference is that in a relationship there is a more romantic feel. Friendship is much like love, so I don't think I could choose between the two.
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    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      Well, it depends. I believe a friend is someone you can trash on, be completly honest with, and can trust with your life. That kind of friend wouldn't put me in the place where I would have to pick. So love.

      But then again, if it's the person I'm "in love with" who is making me pick it's friendship.

      If it's life, depends on which friend.
      Just a teenage poet, bored out of her mind and snacking on gummy bears.
    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      friendship is very important. i see it as a different type of love
      and as for love or friendship, both. the only way it would get like that where i had to choose is if someone says "me or them" i choose them every time as they wouldnt make me choose
      however therre are things that can ruun both. i can never trust someone who chose someone else over me(i mean a full choice, not just who they want to meet ect, and i dont include family)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by eyeofthegorgon ().

    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      A bond of respect between two people. Each person benefits the other in some way or another. Also, love is not a romantic term. People love their parents, their pets, their job. It is possible to love your friends. If I had to choose friendship or romantic love, I would definitely choose friendship without a doubt. None of the hassle and unpleasantness of a romantic relationship.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

      The post was edited 1 time, last by isitso ().

    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      Friendship is basically just a temporary bond between two people. It never lasts. Things change. They find new friends and you have to go find new friends yourself. Once you drift apart you either avoid each other or smile and say hi when you see them. Other than that, interaction is limited.

      I'm so cynical when it comes to friendship. I just don't believe a "true friend" really exists. They're just the people you let close to you who can really screw with your emotions.

      Don't get me wrong. I have a few friends, but I expect us to drift apart eventually and therefore I don't tell them things that I want to be kept secret. Also, I'm only speaking from my own experiences. Maybe other people are fortunate to have found someone they would consider a "true friend."
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by lcky ().

    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      i prefer friendship..
      there's a right time for love.
      i just know that my friend would support
      me when it comes to the person i love...
      they would never make things to destroy that
      relationship with someone.(unless that person
      is much more a heartache than happiness, they would
      always be there to protect me)..
      frnds are forever..
    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      To me, friendship is when you see someone, or something, that tickles you or you don't agree with and knowing EXACTLY what's running through their mind.

      It's a unique bond between people. It's being there for each other without having to say that you need them. It's making them laugh when they're down. It's standing by them even if you don't know whats going on, or if you don't agree with it. It's sharing everything like problems or 'secrets' with them, and knowing they won't laugh or mock you.

      It's the family you choose. =]
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    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      Friendship is complicated for me because I don't know my affections the way many others would. I'm still very blunt, cold and 'rude' to those I like, but those who know me enough to be my closest friends know that my words are laced with love. It's an intsense respect for someone for me, and the fact that I'm able to stand to be around them for a good period of time, and have the ability to miss them when I'm not around them for awhile. (Which isn't 'normal' for me because I tend to hate a lot of people).
      I do have a lot more friends than some think, because those who are around me have had years to get used to me by now, and they understand where they come from.
      As for the love vs. friendship thing, I couldn't really say. Because I'd only classify love as something very rare and intense, not to mention that I don't admit things like that. However if it comes down to someone I'm dating and my friends, my friends ALWAYS come first, no matter what.
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    • Re: What is frienship for you?

      my girlfriend happens to be my best friend, so im lucky in that right.

      my guy friends dont mind much if i decide to hang out with them or not, cause 2 of my closest friends also have girlfriends and know what its like, so its not like im deciding between dating or having friends.

      for me, a true friend is someone that always wants best for you, cares about you, and knows who you really are, not just someone who goes out and has fun with you or something like that. i guess the latter is a friend, but not the same friend as i mean.
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me." - Dr. Seuss[/SIZE][/CENTER]