2 guys, and me. And who? Help ME please.

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    • 2 guys, and me. And who? Help ME please.

      Well, im 14, and my namess charlotte :D. At school at the minute there is a guy i like, Angus ( im using his name because i find it easier ) and i really like him! Thing is its that whole situation, where i dont know if he will like me, and im not really into rejection of course. He is very religious, and im not. He seems grumpy to everyone else, but i have known him for years and he isnt. I dont talk to him so much anymore, but recently he came upto me and told me he wanted us to talk more. Im not sure if that means anything of course :confused:.
      Secondly, i have moved around 3 times majorly across the Uk, and the last time i met someone AMAZING and i adore him, but the thing is i just dont see how anything would happen between us, since we live hundreds of miles apart, and we are still pretty young etc etc. We talk alot on msn, always have something to talk about which is cute and i really like it, he tells me he loves me, and sometimes i think i do? but now im just doubting the whole situation, and i really dont want to lead him on. I never want to hurt him though.
      I WOULD REALLLAAAY appreciate any advicee :waa:
      LooveeYaahss (L) xx
    • Re: 2 guys, and me. And who? Help ME please.

      Well, if Angus has shown interest in talking to you more, I'd say that's a good sign. If anything, you can at least gain a friend. It shows that he enjoys talking to you and he may be wanting to get to know you better again. I suggest you take him up on the request, because like I said, he could become a good friend, if not anything else. And the more you talk to him, the better you'll be able to tell how he might feel about you.

      As for the other guy, I think you should ask yourself how you really feel about him. And if you do have strong feelings for him, would you be able to handle a long distance relationship and of course, would that be something he would want as well. If you don't think you're up for it and it's not something you want to do, then I suggest you be honest with him and tell him that you think you should keep everything on a friend basis only. If you're both up for it, you can remain friends and still talk. He may be hurt, but whatever you decide, just be honest with him.

      Take the time to really think about what you want and how you feel. Don't base decision off of anyone else. It's up to you.

      Hope this helped.
    • Re: 2 guys, and me. And who? Help ME please.

      Follow your heart sometimes that can be hard. Angus can be by your side. If you are not sure you love the other guy the distance has taken its toll and you probably don't. You care for him that's all just deep friend connection. That's all I got for you, hon. Good luck:)
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