What do you make of this?

    • What do you make of this?

      So I finally sent the guy I am interested in a message 2 weeks ago saying how I was disappointed that we never really had the chance to get to know each other, not a creepy note, just basically letting him know I was interested in him. He was on vacation for a week and just got back this Tuesday. I was expecting him to send me something back but nothing really happened until yesterday.

      I was walking to class with my friend and I noticed he was standing in the hall with his best friend, like he was waiting for something. We got closer and he shouted something, didn't hear what it was but I don't think it was directed at me. Then as we walked past him his friend started saying his full name over and over relatively loudly. I thought he was teasing me so I kept looking straight ahead and didn't acknowledge them. Later on I thought maybe he was trying to talk to me and they were trying to get my attention.

      Now I'm afraid he thinks I was ignoring him, which I wasn't. I just thought they were picking on me and I felt embarrassed for sending the message in the first place.

      Today I saw him at school and he either didn't see me or ignored me. After school he drove past me, as he usually does, but this time he drove past extremely quickly. I'm not really sure what to do. I want to sort this out and talk to him but I don't want to annoy him, and if he was teasing me, I don't want to fuel that either. Any ideas on what was going on? I just hope I didn't make him upset...
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]If a horse runs you over it's because you're in the way. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][/LEFT]
    • Re: What do you make of this?

      Well, without actually being there, it's a little hard to judge what's going on. Though, I don't think he was teasing you in a mean way. If he was, I would think the teasing would be about something more along the lines of the situation, instead of his friend just saying the guy's name. I think maybe they were trying to get your attention. That's just my opinion, though, and I could be wrong. I suggest you just try to talk to him and see how he acts. If he doesn't mention it, you should casually bring up the message. Just try to see how reacts when you bring it up and take it from there.

      Hope this helped.