What Breed of Horse Are You?

    • What Breed of Horse Are You?

      Blogthings - What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are a Falabella Horse

      You are an easy going, kind creature with a great reputation. You always try to do the right thing.
      You are lively and cheerful. You tend to be quite loved, and it's likely that you have a large circle of friends.

      You love attention, and you thrive most when you have a lot interaction with others. You need to be the center of it all.
      You are a quick study, and you do well in school. You are very intelligent and clever.
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are a Falabella Horse

      You are an easy going, kind creature with a great reputation. You always try to do the right thing.
      You are lively and cheerful. You tend to be quite loved, and it's likely that you have a large circle of friends.

      You love attention, and you thrive most when you have a lot interaction with others. You need to be the center of it all.
      You are a quick study, and you do well in school. You are very intelligent and clever.

      What Breed of Horse Are You?

      Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      I own a Swedish Warmblood, and I find their personalities more like me than any other breed to be honest.

      You Are an Appaloosa Horse

      You are extremely independent and even a little stubborn. You always do your own thing.
      You have an amazing endurance, and you can soldier on through almost anything. You're one tough cookie.

      You are quite intelligent and resourceful. You enjoy solving problems, and you've definitely got some street smarts.
      You work hard and never give up. You are loyal and reliable... you always get the job done.
      "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are an Appaloosa Horse

      You are extremely independent and even a little stubborn. You always do your own thing.
      You have an amazing endurance, and you can soldier on through almost anything. You're one tough cookie.

      You are quite intelligent and resourceful. You enjoy solving problems, and you've definitely got some street smarts.
      You work hard and never give up. You are loyal and reliable... you always get the job done.

      What Breed of Horse Are You?

      Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.

      Hmm I actually have an Arabian Pony, and I think my personality is more similar to her...
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are a Thoroughbred Horse
      You are hyper, energetic, and even a little high strung. You love to compete, and you're always up for a friendly race.
      You love to be on the go, and you never stick around for long. People accuse you of always running away.

      You tend to get bored easily, and you do best when you wear yourself out. You like to work hard.
      You have a lot of courage, drive, and ambition. You like to be a winner.
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are an Arabian Horse

      You are passionate and intense. You are well known to be a little fiery and wild... you can't help it!
      You aren't mean spirited. You just believe that rules should be broken. You like to run free and do your own thing.

      You are really quite gentle and docile if you aren't pushed. You are exceptionally sensitive and intelligent.
      You get along well with others, and you're generally quite patient. You don't tolerate anyone being abusive or incompetent though!

      What Breed of Horse Are You?

      The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are a Thoroughbred Horse

      You are hyper, energetic, and even a little high strung. You love to compete, and you're always up for a friendly race.
      You love to be on the go, and you never stick around for long. People accuse you of always running away.

      You tend to get bored easily, and you do best when you wear yourself out. You like to work hard.
      You have a lot of courage, drive, and ambition. You like to be a winner.
    • Re: What Breed of Horse Are You?

      You Are a Falabella Horse

      You are an easy going, kind creature with a great reputation. You always try to do the right thing.
      You are lively and cheerful. You tend to be quite loved, and it's likely that you have a large circle of friends.

      You love attention, and you thrive most when you have a lot interaction with others. You need to be the center of it all.
      You are a quick study, and you do well in school. You are very intelligent and clever.

      What Breed of Horse Are You?

      Blogthings: Learn Something Surprising About Yourself
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]