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    • Ok, so here's my dilemma. I was planning on asking this girl I like to prom yesterday at my school's play. The only problem was that I couldn't find her after the play was over in order to ask her. Now our school is on a two week vacation and i won't see her again for two whole weeks. Now here are my choices that I can see:

      1) Ask her to prom via Facebook (Don't really want to do)

      2) Get her number from my sister and ask her to prom by texting her (Don't really want to do either)
      3) Wait until the two weeks are over and ask her then (Don't want to do because I'm afraid someone will ask her over the two weeks)

      So as you can see, I am in quite a pickle. What do you guys suggest that I do?
    • Is there no way you two can meet up once during spring break? If seeing her isn't possible AT ALL then I suggest you try texting her and saying "I have something to ask you" maybe she'll get the hint. You should really try to meet up with her once during Spring Break though! Like Cade said though, if its not possible, on the phone might be your only option. You could also record her a video on facebook and send it to her, asking her.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • ya i was gona say the same thing, try and text her, like just start slow, some playful flirting, see how she responds, ask her for a coffee or sumting and ask her to the prom!! also its not that bad to go alone, like the equivalent of the prom for us, like hardly anyone brought dates!! apart from the people who wer going out with each other, so dont stress over it!! if you cant get together over the break then try your luck after the 2 weeks!!
    • i would definantly either call her or try to meet her and ask in person. Its kind of annoying when people ask questions like that over text or some other way that does not include actually talking. Plus saying it over the phone or in person makes you look and sound a WHOLE lot more confident :)