my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

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    • my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      It's happened two nights in a row and it scares her to tears. The first night she wasn't sure if I was alive or not when she woke up. She was too scared to call me in case I didn't answer, so she spent the night crying. She had the same exact dream again last night (the second night) and again, she spent the rest of the night crying... I don't know if its just that she recently started her period (that changes emotions a lot for her) I hate that I cant be there for her to wake up to... She wrote the dream down and it brought tears to MY eyes... i literally watched it play through my head from her point of view... It sickens me that she's had to endure it twice... I hate to think that she might have to see it again, and I have no idea how to help her other than provide comfort after the fact... she cried as she told me she could still feel my blood on her arms >.<... any advice?
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      I would say just find a way to let her know that you ARE there for her, and that you are NOT going to die anytime soon. I know it sounds simple, but with something like this the simplest yet strongest method of getting that across to her is best. If you make your comforting too complicated, then when she is asleep, it just wont stick, and thats when it counts.

      Here are some suggestions:
      - Does she have a photo of you?
      - Maybe call her before she goes to sleep specifically to tell her that your ok? or maybe dont even mention it anymore, just call her to talk to her, get her mind off of it?
      - I'll post more if I think of some...
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Really, this may sound kind of ridiculous, but what people dream about often means something. Whether it's something she was thinking about, you know, the 'What if?'s' and things like that. Things she might be fearing. Can really be anything. Ask her what she thought about before she went to sleep the past couple nights. Provide her some support, but get some answers, because the more you know, the more you'll be able to help her out. Maybe talk to her on the phone before she goes to sleep, so that she knows you're safe at home in bed as well.

      I've had dreams like that before. Not to that extreme, but still pretty bad, and pretty scary for me. All I needed was some support. I'm not sure if this is an option for you, but maybe stay with her, or have her come stay with you for the night? I'm not sure if your/her parents would approve or not, everyone's different. But really, just try to be there for her. Because it seems that it might be just what she needs.
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Heather wrote:

      Really, this may sound kind of ridiculous, but what people dream about often means something. Whether it's something she was thinking about, you know, the 'What if?'s' and things like that. Things she might be fearing. Can really be anything. Ask her what she thought about before she went to sleep the past couple nights. Provide her some support, but get some answers, because the more you know, the more you'll be able to help her out. Maybe talk to her on the phone before she goes to sleep, so that she knows you're safe at home in bed as well.

      I've had dreams like that before. Not to that extreme, but still pretty bad, and pretty scary for me. All I needed was some support. I'm not sure if this is an option for you, but maybe stay with her, or have her come stay with you for the night? I'm not sure if your/her parents would approve or not, everyone's different. But really, just try to be there for her. Because it seems that it might be just what she needs.

      I talk to her every night before bed. I believe what you said about dreams(that they are often impacted by what happens in real life) The dream involved a plane crash(which is what killed me; i was still partially alive by the time she got to the plane, but then I died) I am able to stay over at her house sometimes, (We were best friends before we became a couple, and my family and hers are close. Me and my brother and sister sleep over once every two months or so, but its not something that could become more casual. they don't approve of sleeping in the same bed or anything like that though we have twice before) I do my best to be available at all times for her. but it pains me that I cant do more thanks for the advice so far.
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Are you taking any vacations anytime soon where you'll be traveling by plane?

      To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.

      To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

      There's a couple things to read for you that might give you a little insight. Just try to be there for her. That's all you can really do.
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Nope no travel of any kind planned, let alone by plane. She does have a lot of self doubt and she has been emotionally damaged in the past. she is constantly in fear that I'll hurt her and leave her like everyone else. she also often feels that she doesn't deserve me, and she can't imagine why I'd love her.. she feels so inadequate. that explains part of why she's having the dreams, but it doesnt help me change it =/

      thanks again though
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      well..just stay bes!de her and try to look
      brave and show him that it'll never happen for real.
      and what we dream often goes to be different in
      reality..just like when someone dreams really bad, theres
      a big chance that it's not going to happen,.base on me and my
      friends observation,.
      (bad dreams would only be alarming if you had done a really bad thing.,
      like killing somebody..and the event keeps on hunting you every night)
      so dont worry..
      if you'll show her ur healthy..and far from danger.
      she'll move on to that bad dreams easily..
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      well she didn't have the dream again thank God... She called me last night at 241 and i slept through it which scared the heck out of me because I told her I'd try to answer, and didn't, but she doesn't remember calling(she vaguely remembers waking up, as do I but it was only a momentary thing.) but im really glad she doesn't remember dreaming... so there's an update.
    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Unfortunately, there are few ways to *stop* or *change* dreams. You are always dreaming, you have hundreds of dreams every time you sleep, but usually you can only recall 10% of it. A lot of the time the last thing you were thinking about are in those dreams. Chances are she was thinking bad things about you when this happened, like losing you or or something bad happening to you, and possibly she has a fear of flying. Before she goes to bed, you should tell her to think of happy things about both of you, but it will never 100% work.

      There is also a method called 'lucid dreaming', but it's hard to learn how to master it if you cannot automatically do it. I have been in lucid dreams since I was little, so I am not sure exactly how hard it is to learn it. Basically, you trigger yourself to realize you are dreaming. They're different ways of doing this like, pinching yourself, the time method, ect. Once you realize your dreaming you can easily wake yourself up or change the dream.

      What I recommend is the first option, and keeping your phone on and right next to your ear, so it would wake you up if she tries calling, so you can comfort her. Good luck, man.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Giggity ().

    • Re: my girlfriend had a dream that I died in her arms

      Giggity wrote:

      Unfortunately, there are few ways to *stop* or *change* dreams. You are always dreaming, you have hundreds of dreams every time you sleep, but usually you can only recall 10% of it. A lot of the time the last thing you were thinking about are in those dreams. Chances are she was thinking bad things about you when this happened, like losing you or or something bad happening to you, and possibly she has a fear of flying. Before she goes to bed, you should tell her to think of happy things about both of you, but it will never 100% work.

      There is also a method called 'lucid dreaming', but it's hard to learn how to master it if you cannot automatically do it. I have been in lucid dreams since I was little, so I am not sure exactly how hard it is to learn it. Basically, you trigger yourself to realize you are dreaming. They're different ways of doing this like, pinching yourself, the time method, ect. Once you realize your dreaming you can easily wake yourself up or change the dream.

      What I recommend is the first option, and keeping your phone on and right next to your ear, so it would wake you up if she tries calling, so you can comfort her. Good luck, man.

      thanks gig. I was aware that you're always dreaming(or at least during REM) ki just wish i could record and rewatch em 'o.O

      I've read up on lucid dreaming and experienced it a few times. its much harder when the dreams are concreat and they feel real and are vivid, but once a dream becomes lucid you can make it pretty vivid.

      Again, thanks for the advice and info.