My friends are unknowingly making me feel Talentless

    • My friends are unknowingly making me feel Talentless

      Me and all of my friends are really close and do everything together, but everyone needs something that they do by themselves right?

      So, when i wanted to do something myself, I would go and draw. I wasn't the best artist but it was something unique to me in my friendship group. Then my friends started to draw to. I was completely fine with it, untill i realized they were a lot better at it than me... and i became embarrassed at my artwork. So I decided to find another hobby i could do by myself.

      I took up photography, which i got better at. I would only get a few decent photos in a month, but i really enjoyed it.. and it was unique to me. Then my friends started doing photography as well. and they were much MUCH better than me, and again i got embarrassed to show them my photos and such. So then i decided to find something else again.I moved onto photo editing, or photo-manipulation using photoshop. I really enjoy this because not many people do it and it really gives me chance to be creative. But a few days ago one of my friends turned round and told me they had started doing Photo manipulation too. I know it's selfish but i really dont want them to, because i want a hobby thats unique to me... something I can be talented at, without feeling i'm in competition with my friends all the time.

      The fact I've had to find new unique things to me so many times [singing, drawing, photography, painting, even writing] is making me feel like i have no special talents and getting me really down. I don't know what to do... :( Any advice?
    • Re: My friends are unknowingly making me feel Talentless

      It's understandable that you want to have something to call your own, but you shouldn't give it up just because your friends start doing it. If you enjoy those hobbies, keep at them and if you experiment within that hobby, you can continue to get better and eventually develop your own unique style. Not all of you are going to draw the same things, take pictures of the same things, and edit photos in the same way. You all have different ways of thinking and different ideas. Take what you know about the hobby and make it your own.

      You're not talentless, and the only person that can make you feel inferior is yourself. Don't be afraid to show off your work. You may not be the best, but your friends might not be the best either. Be proud of the things you work on and don't worry about what your friends are doing. Do what you love. Don't let the fear of not being the best keep you from doing it.

      Hope this helped.