13 having sex with almost 13 year old

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    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      yo hey guess what guys arent born with sperm they get it once they go through puberty and yes there is STDs ut what does u gys arent emotionally reasdy for it mean? WTF!?!?!?!? its just being phisically avtive.I had sex when I wa 12 and my mom was ok with it yes I had my period when I was 10 so yeah hormones rage lets say nothingbad hppens no Stds no pregnancy whats emotionally ready about that mean?:nono:
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      leslie850 wrote:

      yo hey guess what guys arent born with sperm they get it once they go through puberty and yes there is STDs ut what does u gys arent emotionally reasdy for it mean? WTF!?!?!?!? its just being phisically avtive.I had sex when I wa 12 and my mom was ok with it yes I had my period when I was 10 so yeah hormones rage lets say nothingbad hppens no Stds no pregnancy whats emotionally ready about that mean?:nono:

      Ok... Well, since you don't know what that means, you clearly aren't emotionally ready for sex, and just because you have your period, that doesn't mean you're physically ready to have sex.

      Being emotionally ready means being able to handle the things that could happen with sex. For example, you shouldn't be having sex if you couldn't handle an accidental pregnancy. You can't say "lets say nothing bad happens" because they COULD happen, even with protection.

      Sex is more than being physically active, and I pity you for thinking it is. Sex creates an emotional connection between two people that is deeper than just being boyfriend/girlfriend.

      When you're that young and your hormones are raging, you should be masturbating. Not having sex. I had my urges back then, when I really wanted to find someone to have sex with, but I didn't. I'm not happy with who I lost my virginity to, but I was both emotionally and physically ready.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      leslie850 wrote:

      yo hey guess what guys arent born with sperm they get it once they go through puberty and yes there is STDs ut what does u gys arent emotionally reasdy for it mean? WTF!?!?!?!? its just being phisically avtive.I had sex when I wa 12 and my mom was ok with it yes I had my period when I was 10 so yeah hormones rage lets say nothingbad hppens no Stds no pregnancy whats emotionally ready about that mean?:nono:

      You Jo, are great for having patience to answer this cos I don't understand a word I just understand she had sex at 12, had her period at 10 and that she knows guys aren't born with sperm (but IDK what did you trying to say with that) and that she doesn't know what being emotionally ready means - but I don't understand how all of that is connected :confused:.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      ivaiva wrote:

      You Jo, are great for having patience to answer this cos I don't understand a word I just understand she had sex at 12, had her period at 10 and that she knows guys aren't born with sperm (but IDK what did you trying to say with that) and that she doesn't know what being emotionally ready means - but I don't understand how all of that is connected :confused:.

      lol thanks. I just hate it when people try to make a point and it makes no sense at all, especially when my point against them is so strong. lol
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Bmoen223 wrote:

      I am 13 and I feel I am ready for sex, only my body and my brain can tell nobody else. I think it is ok, so just do it and have fun life is good be happy :p:rofl:

      You say that, but you are not the only person the sex is affecting - what if you have sex and the girl gets pregnant? Will you be there for her despite whatever decisions she makes about the baby? If she chooses to keep it, are you willing to get a job to help provide for the baby? What will you do if she decides to get an abortion? What will you do if you contract a bacterial STD? What will you do if you contract a viral STD?

      You have to think about the possible consequences of sex before you have it. At 13, I highly doubt you'd be willing to get a job to provide for a child. A 13 year age difference between you and your child is ridiculous - that's an age difference that siblings have.

      There's more to sex than just having fun. It's an emotional connection between two people, and there are high dangers, especially for teens. The mortality rate is also higher in teens, and if a girl gets pregnant as a teen, it can cause so much stress on her body that she can become infertile later in life. Just because a girl is on her period doesn't mean her body is physically ready to carry a child yet. Pregnancy causes A LOT of stress on the body, and the mother can experience many other physical problems for the rest of her life, because she got pregnant before her body was ready.

      So think again, please.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Honestly, I still think I'M too young for sex, and I'm 19 =P So hearing about 12-year-olds doing it is just really weird, especially since I teach a bunch of ten/eleven-year-olds and I'd go mad if I heard one of them is sexually active =S It's just... no.

      BUT, if you really want to do it, no-one can stop you, so it's up to you.

      There were two pregnant second years (13-14 years old) in my school last year... so although some girls don't even get their period til they're older than that, others do (my friend got hers aged 10), so if you're going to do this you and her need to be really prepared for whatever consequences might arise from your actions, pregnancy being one - at age 12 there's no way she's fully developed, so pregnancy could mess up her growth and development for life, and that's only the tip of the ice-berg, so seriously think about what you're doing, and if you're too young to comprehend the risks you're taking, you're too young to be taking them.

      Be sure you know what you're doing.

      Other than that, go ahead, it's consentual after all, and if you really want to do it, nothing anyone here says should be able to stop you, but if it does... think about it.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      awesomemike wrote:

      ok i am 13 and i had sex with a 12 year old girl, is this bad? because she wanted to . ovbiously we used protection... but it was both our first time having sex. should 12 and 13 year olds have sex?:p

      Well at least uve hit ur teen years and puberty. I lost my virginity, as well as like 6 other boys in my grade over the summer between 5th and 6th grade. As a boy at the age of 11 (the same age as the other boys and the two girls who we lost it to), i hadn't got through puberty yet, so there was no need for protection. The girls however, had enough hormones to really really want sex. Personally, i didn't really want to have sex, but to please my crushes, i along with the other boys got together with the girls and had sex at my house. It was perfect too because that is the age where we know what sex is but we are too young for parents to suspect anything. And so i had the 'graduation' party at my house when my parents were gone for a weekend. That may seem terrible to people, but the most distressing fact is that i am the only kid from that group of nine not to a parent. Both the girls have had two kids; all the other boys are fathers.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      williamtellsdeath wrote:

      Well at least uve hit ur teen years and puberty. I lost my virginity, as well as like 6 other boys in my grade over the summer between 5th and 6th grade. As a boy at the age of 11 (the same age as the other boys and the two girls who we lost it to), i hadn't got through puberty yet, so there was no need for protection. The girls however, had enough hormones to really really want sex. Personally, i didn't really want to have sex, but to please my crushes, i along with the other boys got together with the girls and had sex at my house. It was perfect too because that is the age where we know what sex is but we are too young for parents to suspect anything. And so i had the 'graduation' party at my house when my parents were gone for a weekend. That may seem terrible to people, but the most distressing fact is that i am the only kid from that group of nine not to a parent. Both the girls have had two kids; all the other boys are fathers.

      This is wrong in sooo many ways. Having sex at 11 is just sick. Having sex when you are not even near being fully developed is sick, and wrong and gross. You didn't even produce sperm, OMG, you were just a kid! And, it desn't mean she couldn't get pregnant cos yyou don't know WHEN exactly are you going to start producing sperm.
      Thinking this ways kids can have sex at 6 really.
      Why do you think people masturbate? To get rid of tension andd that they can wait normal age (at least 16 or 17) to start having sex. Gee, ide of 11 yo penis is just so gross.... :o
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      God damn! That is so wrong on so many levels! Little kids these days are perverts... And ivaiva is 100% right on this one. I don't have any points that she didn't cover.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Ok, ivaiva and JoBro are making the most sense here. williamtellsdeath - Just... eugh... Though those girls were worse than you if there were only TWO of them having sex with SEVEN guys, and you just said you didn't even want to do it, why the hell did you??? Do you not regret it at all?

      Though you did make a point against having sex young there, since eight out of nine of the people involved now have at least one child, so the odds there seem preeeeetty high. And honestly, pregnancy is probably the most positive of the possible consequences of sex, there are a million different things that could go wrong that could affect your lives forever. And the more people who post in here saying it's fine, the more sickened I am. The world is a sick, sick place...

      Edit: Just looked at williamtellsdeath's page, he's 16! That's eight 16-year-olds with at least one child each! Seriously dude, watch what you're doing. And if you don't care about yourself, think about that girl - if you really care about her, make sure SHE understands all the consequences and is willing to go through childbirth at age 13 and potentially destroy her chances of having more children when she's older and actually wants them. Don't be the one to ruin her life just because you want to have a little "fun" that you don't even understand yet. And don't ruin your own.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by RollinRightInuit ().

    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      wooahh..I'm a student nurSe..and so far..i've seen a 14 year old girl delivered a child. just looking at her face during the labor you can see that she had difficulty in her situation. what more if the girl in her situation is 12 or 13?.. I agree with others, that you, using a protection was right.. but that isn't enough, knowing that it's not 100% effective.
      Lesson should be... know the 3 rights....right person..place..and TIME...
      thanks for the space..
      :wink:UndeRsTanding is the fiRst sTep to aCcepTance, and onLy wiTh acCepTance can tHeRe be recoveRy:wink:
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      zidane17 wrote:

      wooahh..I'm a student nurSe..and so far..i've seen a 14 year old girl delivered a child. just looking at her face during the labor you can see that she had difficulty in her situation. what more if the girl in her situation is 12 or 13?.. I agree with others, that you, using a protection was right.. but that isn't enough, knowing that it's not 100% effective.
      Lesson should be... know the 3 rights....right person..place..and TIME...
      thanks for the space..

      I agree. That 14 year old will likely be having reproductive problems for the rest of her life, because her body wasn't developed enough to handle a pregnancy and childbirth. And it would be even worse for a 12 or 13 year old.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      Ok, ivaiva and JoBro are making the most sense here. williamtellsdeath - Just... eugh... Though those girls were worse than you if there were only TWO of them having sex with SEVEN guys, and you just said you didn't even want to do it, why the hell did you??? Do you not regret it at all?

      Though you did make a point against having sex young there, since eight out of nine of the people involved now have at least one child, so the odds there seem preeeeetty high. And honestly, pregnancy is probably the most positive of the possible consequences of sex, there are a million different things that could go wrong that could affect your lives forever. And the more people who post in here saying it's fine, the more sickened I am. The world is a sick, sick place...

      Edit: Just looked at williamtellsdeath's page, he's 16! That's eight 16-year-olds with at least one child each! Seriously dude, watch what you're doing. And if you don't care about yourself, think about that girl - if you really care about her, make sure SHE understands all the consequences and is willing to go through childbirth at age 13 and potentially destroy her chances of having more children when she's older and actually wants them. Don't be the one to ruin her life just because you want to have a little "fun" that you don't even understand yet. And don't ruin your own.

      I regreted having sex from the moment I realized what I had done. From the moment I realized that I realized that I lost my innocence so early and how I could have caused problems. Its sad though how everyone else in that group got into a pattern of constant sex and pregnancy. But, I am very sincerely sorry that I went along with it and I didn't stop it from happening. My point of posting was to establishing the fact that it is very bad to have sex at young ages. It will lead to pregnancy and teen parenthood.