13 having sex with almost 13 year old

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    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      williamtellsdeath wrote:

      I regreted having sex from the moment I realized what I had done. From the moment I realized that I realized that I lost my innocence so early and how I could have caused problems. Its sad though how everyone else in that group got into a pattern of constant sex and pregnancy. But, I am very sincerely sorry that I went along with it and I didn't stop it from happening. My point of posting was to establishing the fact that it is very bad to have sex at young ages. It will lead to pregnancy and teen parenthood.

      Well, fair play to you for admitting to the whole thing, if he wont listen to us, maybe someone who has actually been there can get him to see how big this is. And I'm sorry about what happened to you, but well done on seeing sense back then, even if it was too late.

      Aannddyy on msn wrote:

      hye, i jstu red ur post in the dibates and diskushon bord lol

      DamnImGood;1062835947 wrote:

      I'm definitely an idiot.

    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      williamtellsdeath wrote:

      I regreted having sex from the moment I realized what I had done. From the moment I realized that I realized that I lost my innocence so early and how I could have caused problems. Its sad though how everyone else in that group got into a pattern of constant sex and pregnancy. But, I am very sincerely sorry that I went along with it and I didn't stop it from happening. My point of posting was to establishing the fact that it is very bad to have sex at young ages. It will lead to pregnancy and teen parenthood.

      RollinRightInuit wrote:

      Well, fair play to you for admitting to the whole thing, if he wont listen to us, maybe someone who has actually been there can get him to see how big this is. And I'm sorry about what happened to you, but well done on seeing sense back then, even if it was too late.

      Yes, I agree with RollinRightInuit. Props for regretting doing what you did when you did it.

      It may seem like I'm preaching abstinence, which isn't what I mean at all - I've had sex myself. But I am preaching abstinence to those who don't understand the dangers of sex, who don't understand what can happen, those who just believe what they're told (for example, people believe that condoms are 97% effective, but this is only true when the condom is used PERFECTLY, EVERY time. Yet, when it's not used perfectly every time, it's only 86% effective), because I don't want people's lives to be ruined by possible STD's or to lose their childhood at 13 or 14 because they now have to care for a child.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      ivaiva wrote:

      This is wrong in sooo many ways. Having sex at 11 is just sick. Having sex when you are not even near being fully developed is sick, and wrong and gross. You didn't even produce sperm, OMG, you were just a kid! And, it desn't mean she couldn't get pregnant cos yyou don't know WHEN exactly are you going to start producing sperm.
      Thinking this ways kids can have sex at 6 really.
      Why do you think people masturbate? To get rid of tension andd that they can wait normal age (at least 16 or 17) to start having sex. Gee, ide of 11 yo penis is just so gross.... :o

      16 and 17 year olds shouldn't even be having sex. I say wait until you're an adult at least. 18
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      I sort of agree with you, and I sort of don't. On one side, sex is a very serious matter, and only adults are mature enough to understand it. On the other hand, there are some older teens (16-17 year olds) who are as mature as adults are. It varies from person to person.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      sexygirl3 wrote:

      I had sex when I was 12 it's not a huge deal if your ready

      But there is NO WAY that a 12 year old is ready for sex, physically or mentally. You may be getting horny, but you cannot be ready for what sex brings.
      [COLOR="Green"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]To make my dreams come true. To protect the ones I love. And to keep fighting.
      The star inside my heart... please keep on shining strong and bring me power![/FONT][/COLOR]

      Dr.Carter;2785725 wrote:

      The only thing worse than a smart-ass is a dumb smart-ass.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      To the initial question, I'm wondering why in the world anyone your age is involved in these kinds of activities in the first place. You're thirteen, slow down. You do not need to burden yourselves. Just focus on school, family, friends, and what have you.

      Obviously, it was smart of you to use protection and have it be consensual, but you have to ask yourself if you are mentally and emotionally stable to handle sexual activities? You're growing up, but just slow down.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Organgrinder wrote:

      I think it's too young. great that you consented and used protection ect, but it still sounds pretty careless to me.
      I couldn't imagine the year 7's at my school being ready for sex. They still act like kids.... :| I think, stick to cartoons and video games in future ^^

      7 year olds ARE kids, even 14 year olds are.

      new rule, you can only have sex when you can type in English LOL (humans go extinct)

      one thing is for sure, the more sex, the more chance for an STD :shifty: