13 having sex with almost 13 year old

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    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Kitty Boo Boo Fuck wrote:

      err... I would have to say thats pretty wrong... but then again i lost my V at a pretty young age as well (I was kind of rally not sober)... and started actually having sex around the same age so i shouldn't really be saying anything :D... if you do decide to keep at it just be sure to use protection young padawan.

      Use the force before intercourse know what I'm sayin'

    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      awesomemike wrote:

      how does it not seem right, i mean we both enjoy it

      This may sound rude but I kind of doubt you BOTH enjoyed it... if you're 13 I'm sure you don't exactly know how to please a woman (or child in your case...).

      Also, have you discussed how you'd handle it if she became pregnant? I'm guessing probably not. Neither of you are at the maturity level to probably even be able to talk about pregnancy, never mind actually deal with it. Keep in mind there is no 100% way to protect yourselves against pregnancy (except abstinence of course).

      Before you have sex with any girl regardless of age, how well you know her, etc. you should discuss (and I mean thoroughly talk about):
      1. would she be able to tell her parents she was pregnant? (because 12 year old girls cannot get an abortion without parental consent fyi)
      2. would you be able to tell your parents if she became pregnant?
      3. do either of you have jobs in which you make enough money to support a child? (btw, a child, in 18 years, costs on average $1 million. I'm assuming you do not have jobs that pay you minimum $15/ hour)
      4. would you choose to keep the baby, abort it, or put it up for adoption?
      5. if she were to get an STI would she be able to tell her parents?
      6. likewise, if you got an STI would you be able to tell your parents?
      7. if you kept the baby, do you want to pay child support for the next 18 years?
      8. could you honestly see yourselves in each others lives for minimum 18 years?
      9. do you have the money to pay for condoms, birth control, Plan B, and pregnancy tests? (because I can assure you that you'll probably have to pay for a couple, if not all, of them in any given couple years of sex)
      10. is she comfortable asking her parents to book her an appointment with her doctor for a pap test? is she comfortable with the doctor giving her a pap test? do either of you understand what a pap test is?
      11. are both of you comfortable with telling your parents and going through with STI exams fairly frequently?
      12. are you both extremely knowledgeable when it comes to STI's? (including the cost of medication, symptoms, etc.)

      I personally think you're stupid to be having sex at such a young age. There's a million other things to do at that age - why don't you stick to kissing, holding hands, etc. until you're ACTUALLY ready for the heavier stuff.
    • Re: 13 having sex with almost 13 year old

      Well..... As long as you both want to and know the concequences. Just don't mention it to your or her parents or even friends. Would get you into some awkward times :/
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