So there's this guy... and then there's not...

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    • So there's this guy... and then there's not...

      I've liked this guy for... maybe about a month. We've known each other for about a year and are sorta-friends. He's easy to talk to and my friends say we're perfect for each other. We do most of the same afterschool activities, mostly musical. We also have the same type of collegiate future in mind. He's two years older than me, and is about to graduate from high school this year. I want to talk to him more, maybe spark some type of relationship between us.

      However, I rarely get to talk to him or see him now that all the afterschool programs we're in are over. I chat him sometimes online, but I'm the one who initiates the conversation. He responds, then brings up a new topic and we talk for 10 or 20 minutes.

      The stuff I ask him to start up a conversation is usually some academic question, and I feel like I'm being strangely clingy...
      There's going to be a party for one of the clubs we're in next month, and I want to find the time to talk to him more. What are some ways I could approach him?
      ♪ An artist paints a picture on canvas, but a musician creates music on silence. ♪
    • Re: So there's this guy... and then there's not...

      Just be natural and be yourself when going up to him yo, start off with an ice-breaker, speak with confidence in yourself and about whatever topic you bring up that you feel he'll respond to with enthusiasm. Then after that all you have to do is work on maintaining the conversation by keeping a good balance of talking and listening to each other back and forth. You'll be able to tell through his expressions/mannerisms whether or not he wants to keep talking a lot easier than talking to him online, rest assured.

      From what you mentioned before, you feel like he's easy to talk to in person, so if you go into this with the same kind of mindset you had before when you two were in those after-school programs, you should be cool yo. Just be yourself and let him see the positive, fun, and interesting side of you since you're both in this party setting. If all goes well and you feel like you built something up that has potential during the convo, don't be afraid to ask him if he'd like to hang out some time, he may be a passive kind of guy.