bestfriend-boyfriend adivse?

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    • bestfriend-boyfriend adivse?

      okay,so i moved here a year ago and met this girl,meg (not using her real name), and she had a friend who she followed like a fan girl to a celebrity, jack. over spring break last year be and him talked and got to know eachother (texting of course) and soon after break he asked me out. meg said that i stole her bf though he told her no repeatidly etc. we had a great summer together. then highschool comes. and jack has a bunch of these "fan girls" :fangirl: hugs them, sits with them, etc. of course i get PO and then he proves to me that he really loves me,im the only girl for him,he can trust me, etc. and shooed hsi fans away so he could spend more with me. including meg. then a couple months ago he gets super busy and still is with school,his job, his family, his friends, his mom (desipline), and keeping a girlfriend. now at this time he was spending more time with his friends than me because he had a rough time over break. then, he breaks up with me. i understood. were now best friends, but eversince the day we broke up his fans automatically came back. and a week later after the break up meg, reported me for something my mother said to her mother saying that i said it to her. so now im not allowed any where close to her and since she hangs around jack. that means i cant come close to him no matter how much we still love eachother.

      what im asking is what should i do about this? because i still want to be close to jack, but not want meg as my friend.

      ~just wanna be me :wink:
    • Re: bestfriend-boyfriend adivse?

      If you have his number, why don't you text him and ask him if he wants to catch up one day for an hour or so? If thats not possible, try to catch him when hes not with Meg. I'm sure there has to be at least 5 minutes where they're not near each other and you can get a chance to talk to him. Even if its just in the hall walking to a class.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: bestfriend-boyfriend adivse?

      It's still possible for you to be close to Jack without having Meg around. If the two of you care about each other as much as you've said, then he should understand. Just talk to him about what happened and tell him that you want to spend time with him, but you can't be around Meg. I'm sure you can both find a way to hangout without having her around. I suggest you bring it up with him and see what he says about it. Like I said, if he cares, I'm sure he'll make time to spend with you. Other than that, you can still talk to him by other means of communication. That way, you don't start to drift apart.