desperate for attention

    • desperate for attention

      What the title says...

      I basically don't get any attention, my mom barely speaks to me, other than ''ZOMG i met an old friend on facebook!!!1"

      my brother is the same, spends all day in his room gaming, i have my own hobbies, and do everything alone... i don't go to school anymore due to lack of funds, and it makes me really stressed, know it all teachers :mad:
      i live in the country side, moved to this place recently, after being completely isolated, this place is closer to the village, i go on my bike very often to the hardware shop, and chemist, to buy shiz

      anyway, how can i get attention?
      i already troll youtube, and yeah even a ''fuck you'' is considered attention now...
      and i just keep thinking of my ex-friends, that simply ignore me, i text them, message them on FB, they never reply :mad: so i'm thinking of setting their house on fire.
      Also lately can't seem to get my last "date" out of my head, i really liked that girl, and she basically didn't day anything to me after the "date" so that was a huge disappointment, she was the only i even bothered asking out, that one "yes" was the only time i was happy for a long time :(

      what should i do? :( even msn ''friends'' don't give a flying fuck about me, how can i keep relationships for longer?

      i'm very socially akward, i have gone for two psychologist appointments, but we can't afford it any more... i literally have no one to talk to...

      and lol:
      The AOLer Translator

      thanks, i think
    • Re: desperate for attention

      You need to break through the social barrier that your mind holds. Couple tips: Don't complain, Don't be Negative people hate that, and be confident and social. want more tips in detail PM the shit outta me bro. BTW how old are you, do you live alone do you have the opertunity to move.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Culuz ().

    • Re: desperate for attention

      This is true, you will need to find something to get you more socializing with other people.
      I understand your situation, it is perfectly normal. Learn to control your emotions, your habits, your own mind. It is wonderful to be by yourself, it is rather more mature and in the future, men will extremely find it attractive because they love being with a woman that has a good head on her shoulders.
      Join clubs or school activities. At your age(I'm the same age), you'll need to understand that socializing is rather important now. Get a job to keep your mind off of things, play video games, or write stories.

      Searching for attention isn't going to exactly get you anywhere special. You'll have to earn the attention. Some people get it easier than others based on appearance, popularity, etc.

      Be strong, life is easy once you get it on track. :)
    • Re: desperate for attention

      I have a job, it's not a fixed one, sometimes i have work, sometimes i don't...
      I have a hard time doing this though, because i have no transportation, i cant just go somewhere when i want to, i have to rely on my mum to take me there, and she doesn't...

      i was almost in a DH racing team a few years back, but the no transportation made it impossible to stay...

      the village i live in hasn't got many teenagers, it's mostly elderly people, and still i don't think there's anyone around with the same interests as me :(

      and oh, i'm male... lol
    • Re: desperate for attention

      Try not to be negative and don't feel bad because that's only gonna repel others. Trolling youtube isn't gonna gain you good friends to make you happy and setting a house on fire might seem like it'll feel good but it'll be temporary. I sorta know how you feel. I was kinda in that situation for a while and it gets frustrating I know. But keep positive. You're young and your life is not over. You still have time to live and move on and meet people. :3 If you want you can talk to me. Try finding friends online and if those old "friends" of yours don't care about you move on. Get new ones.
    • Re: desperate for attention

      You know something? You don't really need friends. You have yourself bro.. Setting houses on fire doesen't really help (because then the people you want to be friends with will be.. uhh.. burnt?..) Untill you find some people that really care about you, screw your old buddies and talk with people here. They do seem really friendly, right? All i'm saying, is don't go crazy man. Life is a unexpected, you don't know where will you be standing tomorrow and with whom.
    • Re: desperate for attention

      amando96 wrote:

      And how?

      Ok well, people always get mad at me for bringing up religious stuff, but most of my close friends go to my church. If there is a nice church close by you could give it a try. If its a big enough church there should be some people there your own age. Anyways just a suggestion, hope no one gets mad lol.