Confusion.. what to think? :\

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    • Confusion.. what to think? :\

      Okay, I'm new here, but I really need some advice..
      A friend of mine, T, has liked this guy R for like, 6 months. He told her recently-ish that he isn’t interested in her, and he’s said to me and everyone else that he really doesn’t like her. I know of two other girls, L and H, who definitely like him, and am sure there are others. He’s told me that he doesn’t like L&H in that way and never would. In case you haven’t already guessed, I’ve started to really like him. I am absolutely hopeless with guy-stuff. And so don’t know what to do, I really like him, but T would be distraught and hate me forever if she found out. In a way I feel like I deserve it to go well, as I’ve had such shoddy luck in the past. But I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t know how to tell if a guy is into me like that or not, but what’s going on with me and R is we text loads, msn, this holiday saw each other twice (with others) before he went away, but the first time, I said ‘well you need to, cos i am (:’ And he said ‘I will obv try my best then J ‘. And then the second meet-up, he asked me on msn if I was doing anything that day, I said I was meant to be going to town with friends but it’d been cancelled, so he asked me to come town with him and his mate – who I’m close friends with also, (others came as well, but he only said him and his friend), so I said I wasn’t sure, but I’d try. And he then said ‘Well I hope you can come J xxxx’ – even though we were on msn. He says ‘love you’, and we already have some little private ‘things’ (if you get what I mean?). We like the same stuff – films programmes music etc. We get on really really well, and the other day in my msn name I asked if anyone wanted to call, cos’ I was bored, as I’d hoped, he said he would, however I was already on the phone so couldn’t. I really don’t know what to think; as he’s said himself he wishes he could just be mates with a girl without her liking him. And that he can be really flirty sometimes without meaning to. He doesn’t know I like him, but I’m compleeeeetely stuck. What do I do? And Does he like me?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Clear-x ().

    • Re: Confusion.. what to think? :\

      well first off, this guy R must be one player to have all these girls chasing him, god damn, realise also that if you get into a relationship, that wont stop, so if your the jealous type, it might be hard.

      Another thing, Its hard to tell if he likes you, he def wants to be around you but he may just be a really friendly guy, I think its best if you ask him if does and see what he says, or get a mutual friend to ask him.

      Lastly, with your friend, I mean its not your fault that he dosent like her, sometimes people just dont mix, and that was just the case with this, you cant blame yourself for liking him and if he likes you back then thats just nature, so she shouldnt hold it against you, im sure she will be upset but she should still be happy for you and tell her there are plenty of other guys out there, and there's bound to be a few perfect for her
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