How do you get a girl to fancy you?

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    • How do you get a girl to fancy you?

      Basically i spent about half a year on one girl trying to get her to go out with me after we went out twice (first time i cheated on her :( and the second she became bisexual :/ ) and basically i failed even tho i tried rly rly hard to get her to like me. the story has a happy ending and i dont feel for her now but its a long thing to write but basicaly it got me thinking how should i have got her to like me? cos we were like rly close in the last 3 months but it still didnt work so i was just curious :)
    • Re: How do you get a girl to fancy you?

      Well, you really shouldn't think about how you could have made her like you. In my opinion, if she didn't like you in the time that you knew each other, she probably wasn't going to like you any time down the road either. Don't dwell on it. Accept it, learn from it. There are other girls out there so don't focus on just this one. You went out with her twice and it didn't work out. Though, you cheating on her probably didn't help your case here. If she doesn't like you, you just have to move on and try for someone else. Not everyone is going to like you, and that doesn't mean you have to change yourself or anything. Just my opinion.