I wanna be friends again................

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    • I wanna be friends again................

      Okay, so last year me and my friend were happily emailing back and forth, then the emails turned into arguments (after I accidentally uploaded a video on fb of her, then took it down the next day)and we stopped talking altogether. And I sent her a friend request on fb and she asked if I still wanna be friends. I kinda do, but she doesn't (PROBLEM #1) and even if she did agree, one of my ex-BFF's from 5th grade (I h8 her) is one of her best friends (PROBLEM #2).
      We work fine together in class b/c we are in most classes together and grouped into the groups. But I wanna be friends.:confused::(

      What should I do? Can you plz help me???????

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    • Re: I wanna be friends again................

      Don't smother her. She will get over it. You can take it passive like and treat her like any other person for a month and then just start new by saying something like hey whats up how you been doing and have a non arguing conversation. and soon enough if you two do really wanna be friends you probably will be again.
    • Re: I wanna be friends again................

      Let her come back to you. If you come off as needy or dependent on her, she probably won't have time to settle her feelings down. You can't make someone be friends with you if they don't want to. That's the thing about friendships, is both people have to want to be friends for it to work. Trying to pretend is only going to make things worse, so just lay back a little and let things settle down. Wait until the hard feelings go away and she's easier to talk to. As for your ex-bff, her friend, is there really no chance of you at least getting along a little bit with her? Being able to be around friends of your friends is a good idea if you want to make being friends with her again easy. If you can't stand being around someone that your friend wants to be around, that can come off as a little selfish for attention, and it could end everything.

      Anyways, just let things go by for now and wait a couple weeks for things to lay off a little, then at some point just say hi again.