what do i do?!

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    • what do i do?!

      okay so i have two best friends we'll call them Jen and Chris. I've been BFF with Jen for 2 years now, and I just met Chris a few months ago, they've been friends for about 5 years. Chris is bisexual and a crazy flirt.

      Jen recently told me that she and Chris were together 5 yrs ago before they were BFF and she broke up with him because she found out he was bi. Now she regrets it and is in love with him. These past few months Chris and I have gotten really close. Jen has expressed to me how she gets jealous when he hugs other girls but she said it doesn't bother her when he flirts with me. I've asked Chris how he feels about Jen and he doesn't like her in that sense but lately he's been dropping hints that he may be interested in me. It's hard to take him seriously when he's a flirt but he's admitted that he flirts with other people but loves flirting with me the most. Whenever me and my girlfriends hang around him he mostly talks to me and he'll hug me for a few minutes at a time where others he'll give them a quick few second hug.

      Does he like me, do you think? If he does and tells me, that puts me in a REALLY bad spot because I do like him but I don't want to upset Jen. What do I do? Please help! :o
    • Re: what do i do?!

      Wow that's a tough situation X( i don't want to say what you should do incase it dosn't work out well, but i'll tell what i think.

      Now i don't know enough about your friendship with Jen or what kind of person she is but i suggest talking to her about your feelings for Chris.. to be honest i think it would be best if Chris were to have a chat with Jen and tell her how it is, that way she can move on and maybe after she's got over him you could move in.

      That option might have a bit too much waiting though, just remember communication is key, talk with them.

      One last thing, you need to be careful here if your feelings for Chris are just lust, whereas Jen is in love. What i'm trying to say is you and Chris might just have a fling and come out of it ok, but it would hurt Jen alot more. It's a really touchy situation...
    • Re: what do i do?!

      TO CHRISZ:

      yea i see where you're coming from but Jen hasnt actually confessed her love to Chris. it kinda puts my in a compromising position because she doesnt want to tell him but i feel awkard being flirty with him because despite what she says i still feel like im making her jealous which is not my intention
    • Re: what do i do?!

      I think you should sit Jen down and get her to tell Chris, i know that might seem counter productive but if you and him get together she won't take it well and if she isn't going to tell him then you'll either end up stuck in a love triangle or someone's gonna get hurt.

      Like i said before this is just advice, don't follow it if you think its bad :P

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Chris_Z ().

    • Re: what do i do?!


      no i absolutely appreciate your advice and will take it into consideration :) i just worry because Jen is a really emotional person and Chris isn't too sensitive to her emotions. hopefully things will get resolved. again I absolutely appreciate your help! youve given me more options! :D