yay i cant wait

    • Re: yay i cant wait

      1. How old are you?
      2. How old is he?
      3. How long have you guys been together?
      4. Are you both working?
      5. Do you guys have any plans to go to college?
      6. Are you going to be able to provide your child with everything they need on your own?
      7. If circumstances change, and his mother is unable to help support your child, are you going to be able to take care of it on your own?
    • Re: yay i cant wait

      XxskatergirlxX wrote:

      we both have jobs. i work at a daycare center and he works at a bike shop. we have been together for two years. we have money saved up for the baby

      I think you should wait until you are older and more mature. Having a baby now will complicate things. A baby like i said is not a toy it required a LOT of time, patience, and money. You are very young, enjoy the relationship, there is not need to have a baby now...its not a toy you can return or throw away.
    • Re: yay i cant wait

      All I have to say is, once you have that baby you are going to be cutting-self-while-hating-life angry at yourself over it, if you really want one you should probably make sure that you have backups to the whole his mother thing. Your mother doesn't want you to do it, so surely it's not gonna be a simple "I dont caer itz mah body i can do wut i wont ima liv wit himm" and it's done, there will probably be an issue with that. Moving in together will probably ruin your relationship as well because part of the fun of being in relationships as a teenager is seeing the other with off-time, and being your relationship self with them and then being able to return to the real you and reflect when you're apart. I wouldn't do this now, but it really is your body, you can do what you want I guess :/ how will you support when your saved up money runs out? You have 4 years until you turn 18, can your job and savings support that?

      Nick and Kris on Skype. wrote:

      [7:16:21 PM] Nick: kris, i'm martha stewart.
      [7:18:37 PM] Kris: oh really? lol
      [7:18:43 PM] Kris: how was prison?
      [7:18:47 PM] Nick: hot.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TheHeroicOne ().

    • Re: yay i cant wait

      Personally, I don't think you should be wanting to start a family with your boyfriend at your age. You are still young and there's many things you'd have to sacrifice if you are a mother. And honestly, I do not think you are ready to give that up yet.

      However, what I think or say on this controversial issue shouldn't matter much. You are capable of making your own decisions, but let's just hope you make the right one. You have to ask yourself if you are ready to take on this responsibility. And you also have to ask yourself if it will get easier or harder to continue school and taking care of a child. And are you even financially stable? And what will happen once you have the child - do you think your boyfriend will want to stay with you then? Listen, there's a lot to consider and think about.

      My main question is: Why do you want to have a baby so badly at this age?
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: yay i cant wait

      XxskatergirlxX wrote:

      me and my bf want to have a baby. im going to get pregnant in july(or try). we want a baby so bad!! i dont care what my mom says. his mom said i can move in with her if i am pregnant. she will help support it. yay!

      Fucking retarded. People like you should not be allowed to reproduce.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER]
      formspring.me/Asperitas <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT]omygaga.tumblr.com/ <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: yay i cant wait

      There are far too many aspects of having a child, and so many consequences both physical, psychological, monetary, developmental (for yourself) and goodness knows how many others, including maturity issues.
      Parents need to educationally guide their child, they need to try to provide a stable home environment and need to be emotionally stable in order to support the child as he/she grows and learns. You haven't finished school yet, you probably, or almost certainly are not aware of how greatly such a decision will affect your whole life.
      I would also suggest you check the legality of caring for a child as a minor, I rather suspect that unless you can prove to be remarkable mature and financially independant that the child will be taken away from you and put under state care, unless your boyfriend's mother is actually willing to take on the full legal responsibility for his/her care.

      I can say without doubt that you are not remotely able to properly raise a child to lead their life to the full extent they would otherwise be capable of. As every other poster here has said, you have *so* much time in which to choose to have a baby, if you are concerned with how the babies life will be then take these next few years to attend school and mature as a normal teenager. A baby needs a mature parent, and no child could really even concieve the amount of maturity they still have to gain, or have any realistic idea what the world out here is actually like.

      If you are inclined to disregard what we're saying then please find someone else who has done the same thing and ask for their opinion. This idea is neither in your or a baby's interests.
    • Re: yay i cant wait

      I won't lie and say I don't get broody from time to time. I've always been that way, since I was 12 or so. However, I'm 17 and have been sexually active with my ex and have had the chance to make as many babies as I want so to speak, fact is, there's an aspect of control within me stopping me if I can help it. Find a way to focus on something else other than babies. If you're really 14, chance is love, you wont still be with your boyfriend in a years time, let alone a lifetime. Sounds like you've not thought about what's right.
      [SIZE=3]Just Be Yourself :thumbsup:


      The post was edited 1 time, last by BrunetteHeaded ().