Rumors before and after coming out

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    • Rumors before and after coming out

      Ok so i was bored and a bit pissed off and generally pissed :) so i decided to make this. basically what rumors are circulating around about you.

      i also ask this cus around my school at the moment... full story: a mate o mine just came out fully to being bi. people have suspected (rightly:wink:) that i am also bi but i have not come out yet to any1 and so this rumor has started firstly saying we are goin out (love it but not true) and also that we kissed, i loved it and went back for more (again, unfortunately not true) so today i basically feel like s**t and wish i wasnt bi sexual and i was just straight. btw im bi, 15 male

    • --- What is a bisexual ? The LGBT groups insist but cannot define. There is no mathematics here. There is no logical defining.
      --- ----- To give you an example. See two teen boys, yes, teens, in alleyway and they hug and kiss, mouth on mouth, do witness this. do see so and such, pull and hug and mouth kiss. Outside a Mexican the alley. .
      ----------Are they lovers ? Walk on after that after the pause, after stop, to see and notice. They do not see looking.
      --- See them a few days later, while walking along the way, and see them, working together. Are they lovers ? uh-oh ... A girl comes up and takes one of the guys' arm, by the elbow, pulls him away with her and they kiss, mouthing, do see, and they walk away, hand in hand, do see, do notice. do remember. Are they lovers ? [That time, the other guy goes away back inside kitchen of restaurant.]
      --- WALK ON BY song by Dionne Warwick.
      --- Figure, con-figure, dys-figure. re-con-figure. Go figure.
      ---- Some times it is simply pure love. Even for the moment. Even if only the day. After which, life goes on.
      --- song ... You Can't Always Get What You Want. [get what you need] ... ha ha ha.