Am I in the wrong here?

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    • Am I in the wrong here?

      Ok, here's the situation: I was going out with this girl and, a couple months ago (sorry for time lapse, I just found this site) she wanted to go trick-or-treating with me, but her dad said no. So I went with some of my friends instead. When I got home I saw that I had an email from her telling me to meet her at the town library at 6:00pm (it was 9:00pm by the time I read it) so I sent a message apologizing. The next day, I saw that she had deleted me off of her friends list, so I sent another message, once again saying how sorry I was. She ignored it. So at school on Monday (Beggar's night was on a Friday) I talked to her, she said that she wasn't mad and had deleted me by accident. Boy was I relieved, but then the next day she dumped because the messages I sent her made her feel guilty for deleting me. Is this my fault? Because the whole scenario just confuses me. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      no way!
      if she originally wasn't allowed to go out that night and you already made other plans, that's not wrong at all!
      and the whole "deleting you by accident" doesn't sound too legit to me.

      here's what probably happened:
      she was probably really mad, and deleted you anger.
      but then as she cooled off, she felt guilty and might have been embarrassed that she got so worked up over something that wasn't your fault.
      and your messages probably made her realize even more that she was in the wrong.
      the reason she dumped you may have been that she really did feel guilty.. but not because of anything you said, because of what she did. and she probably realized that you knew that she lied about being mad at you and she might have felt embarrassed or ashamed and felt like she could no longer face you.

      that's just my opinion though, haha :)
    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      Sounds like one misunderstanding after another. However, it's not your fault. You apologized and I don't think your intentions were to make her feel guilty at all. In my opinion, you're not in the wrong. If she deleted you by accident, I don't think she would have even felt guilty at all. Maybe her excuses aren't legitimate and she just used this as an opportunity to break up. However, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong. Things didn't work out and it seems like she may have blown things out of proportion. It's not your fault.
    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      I doubt she deleted you by accident, but meh I could be wrong.
      Maybe she just doesn't think that you two were working out? It all sounds like a muddle to me, did she give you a legit reason for dumping you? Other than the message made her feel guilty? I get the feeling there's something missing... :/
    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      lul you don't delete someone by accident and not inform them. She ignored you on many potential mediums. Did she accidentally delete you from her contacts list on her phone too? Come on.

      Mate, you're way better than that "bitch" (apologies if this is insulting, but I believe this derogatory term is quite fitting in this situation). Don't worry about her; she's not worth it if she can't see past her complexes to see a man whom isn't concerned about silly misunderstandings and petty common mistakes - she is evidently utterly obsessed with her personality and faults.

      It really is a shame though, because you seem really down about losing the gal. However, I'd say you've proven that you are a step above what many women deserve, so if I were you I wouldn't feel too bad about this minor loss.

      Be proud, bro. You did very well.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RocketSwan ().

    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      She was going to dump you one way or another, it sounds like she had this planned. She saw an opportunity and she seized it.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.
    • Re: Am I in the wrong here?

      bad news wrote:

      She was going to dump you one way or another, it sounds like she had this planned. She saw an opportunity and she seized it.

      This most likely. You did not do anything wrong and actually, it was probably for the good. A girl with that high of maintenence and emotions is going to screw with your mind at some point or another. By the way, you cannot 'accidently' delete someone off your Facebook. You must go to the person's profile, scroll down and click on a very small link on the bottom left side, and then it comes up with a dialog box which you have to recognize what you are doing. She did it on purpose because she was mad that she did not get her way.