sin or not??

    • Re: sin or not??

      What is a sin, and who tells us what a sin is? We make that decision ourselves, something called free will. I'll leave that up to you to decide. :)

      To your question: I don't ever plan on doing any sort of self-harm, but I do not believe it to be a sin. I don't believe in sins, though. I'm a firm believer in letting people do whatever the hell they want if it doesn't affect me.
    • Re: sin or not??

      Yes, self-harm is a sin. God tells us to respect our bodies and there is a verse in the bible that specifically says that you should not cut yourself. You are supposed to take care of your body, not harm it.
      However, it is nothing that can't be forgiven...because I assume that you have reasons that force you to cut yourself right?

      Scorpio... you don't decide what sin is. God did. And while it is true he gave us free will, he also set a few rules for people to follow. You can choose not to follow them, and break them all the time, but you can't decide if it is wrong or not. You can only decide if you like it or if you don't like it and if you will keep doing it.

      What is the point of cutting yourself really?
      Also be careful with self-induced vomit. If you throw up after eating it may become a habit, and your teeth get weaker every time you throw up because vomit is acidic.
    • Re: sin or not??

      Trigger93 wrote:

      Scorpio... you don't decide what sin is. God did. And while it is true he gave us free will, he also set a few rules for people to follow. You can choose not to follow them, and break them all the time, but you can't decide if it is wrong or not. You can only decide if you like it or if you don't like it and if you will keep doing it.

      Who told God what sin is?
    • Re: sin or not??

      Scorpio_ wrote:

      Who told God what sin is?

      Good question. God's dad?.... JK.

      Sin is just disobeying God's rules.
      God invented the rules and humans invented Sin.
      So I have no idea who told God what sin is...
      But since sin is disobeying God's rules, and humans invented sin.
      I have no idea who told him, or how he learned, or if he knew in the beginning what it was. It's like asking someone " What came first the chicken or the egg?"
    • Re: sin or not??

      Sin is an individual perspective so it varies upon everyone. So, if YOU feel that it's wrong, don't do it. If you feel it's right, then do it.

      Although, cutting yourself isn't exactly my fortay and the main stream population agrees it's not right. You shouldn't be cutting yourself due to the dangers and you should seek some help about it. Tell your parents about it and perhaps talk to them about what makes you want to do it. Perhaps letting things off your shoulders will be a great thing for you.
    • Re: sin or not??

      I wouldn't say it was a sin, it's just a coping method, a negative one :-/
      And thinking of it as a "sin" is only going to make you feel shittier.

      (and correct me if I'm totally wrong here, but if anyones ever seen that guy in the Davinci code? the bad one, and he hurts him self by whipping himself until he bleeds, with these horrific spiked flails ect. and that's not classed as being a sin. So why the hell would God allow people to whip themselves and not cut!!!) Thats just the bit I don't get.
    • Re: sin or not??

      Hi :)

      I have studied Christianity at a point in great depth, and I can tell you without doubt that self harm is not exactly a sin, but is most definitely frowned upon by religious concepts (I say concepts to mean God etc).

      Your body and life are seen to be the most precious gifts that God has granted us, and to damage them willingly is to reject this gift to some extent. This is, however, no work against God, and therefore should not be considered a sin. You need to take a step back and look at this from another angle. If God exists, don't you think he would take pity on you and grant you forgiveness for self harming if it was a result of difficult living? God is supposed to be great, merciful and all-knowing, and apparently in Christian teachings, Christianity is big on forgiveness - so why are you in fear of it?

      You have nothing to worry about. This would not be considered a sin, but it is recommended that you stop for your health rather than religious requirements. You deserve better. Besides, God won't put you down for having a tough life!

      OrganGrinder is right, there are many religious worshippers who punish themselves in order to remind themselves of Jesus' pain. If self harming was considered a sin, don't you think that these people who study and worship God daily would know? You have nothing at all to worry about. Self harming is just a way of coping with stress, and it needs to be sorted for reasons other than religion.

      Good luck.

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: sin or not??

      ok so i'm catholic from a really strong catholic family. and i cant tell my parents about cutting or why cause there part of the reason. & in my church i've been taught that you cant ask for forgiveness for your sin unless you really believe that you're going to try not to do it again, but even if I wanted to I'm not gonna stop cutting right how can I ask for forgiveness for something I'm going to do again??
    • Re: sin or not??

      First, seek someone to help stop the behavior, then seek forgiveness if you think it's necessary.
      [CENTER]R.I.P Captain Jack Sparrow, 13/3/09[/CENTER]
      [CENTER]You did it, beautiful.<3[/CENTER] <- Don't be a fgt. It makes you look bad.
      [RIGHT] <-Blog of godlike proportions.
    • Re: sin or not??

      Nicole, Catholic teachings are strict. You have been made to fear he who is supposed to love you, his creation, no matter what. Your guilt alone justifies your actions and grants you reason for forgiveness. It's not like you're doing this to spite God or the church. You're doing it because you're in trouble. Don't tell your parents or anyone from your church - but do seek help elsewhere. And do not ever, ever, ever think that your forgiveness is a lost cause. You have done nothing wrong to be forgiven. A troubled life has driven you to do something that you do not want to do. That is not you doing something wrong. That's just life being hard.

      I think that if you want to counter-act your guilt, as well as your depression, you should enjoy life more. Think about it - how can God look down on you for enjoying his gift? He has granted you life and an earth full of opportunities at your command. You should go out, see sights, climb trees and in general find ways of enjoying yourself. There are a million things to do out there. Take up rock climbing, biking, running, swimming, anything. Even art. Take a sketch pad, pencil, rubber and sharpener, and you've got hours of content, mind-numbing freedom from the outside world. I draw large pictures, they take me days to complete, but I love it, because I think of just that and nothing to do with anything else. This will help your problem as well as help you enjoy life, which, let's face it, the big guy can't complain about, right? I mean, how could he ever put you down for trying to enjoy life and overcome the problem? I'm not saying you need to stop right this very second - just, do something, yeah?

      Don't ever think your faith is against you. It's the all-merciful God. I've read documents dated far beyond the creation of the Bible. I've spoken to people who truly study Christianity in depth. I know better than anyone that you are safe from conviction. You have done nothing wrong.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]