i'm so confused!!

    • i'm so confused!!

      ok so there's this guy, we're kinda friends. i have always had a thing for him. but i could never figure him out. basically, recently at a houseparty, we were all really drunk and the two of us crashed on the couch. next thing i know, he starts putting his hands on my legs and holding my hand. i was dozing and drunnk so i just let him. and he kept lik caressing and holding me the whole night. the thing is, he didn't try been pervy or getting a feel or anything, he just was holding me as if we were together or something. it was kinda really sweet but also very strange cos when he's sober he's never acted that way to me. can u guys out there try to figure out what the hell he was doing please? bare in mind we have made out before when we were drunk but iv never told him iv liked him. when we got up, we acted as if nothing had happened. even since that night he's been really quiet with me. :confused: :confused: :confused: be harsh cos i really want a motive to get over him
    • Re: i'm so confused!!

      mamaru's reply made most sense i think. cos i realy think that boy doesn't know what he's doing when he's drunk. if he was making a move its not as if i brushed him off. i actually did respond and thats why he didn't stop, he just got more touchy. and there was other people sleeping around the room so i dont think he would have been making a move. then again he was intoxicated. he also had two other oppurtunities to make a move before that, that night (at one point, he was lying on top of me!?). he's kinda odd with girls also. i have heard that he'd get a gorge girl , that all the guys wanted, at a club then say something stupid or insulting and she'd just walk away! nothing he does makes sense!! I dunno why i even give a crap trying to understand. oh god im so sick of trying to figure him out.
      Hello There!:wink:
    • Re: i'm so confused!!

      well, he was drunk, so you really can't act on what he did while he was intoxicated.
      i would just casually bring up the party, then go into depth about what happened, just to see if he remembers.
      if he does, check out his reaction before making any sudden movements.
      if he doesn't, then don't bring it up again unless he does.
    • Re: i'm so confused!!

      the alcohol gives you confidence, simple as that. I had the exact kind of relationship with a guy. We both liked each other, and whenever we got drunk we would hook up. But sober...i would try and talk about what happened and he'd get really shy. I didn't find out until months later that he'd been crushing on me for about a year. If i were you, I would say something to him, and if he blows you off, forget about it. Those "only confident while drunk" guys suck lol