please read? ( no mean comments plz :( )

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    • please read? ( no mean comments plz :( )

      i need advice plz and thank U :} i think , I'm a female age 16. and i was in this relationship with a girl pisces in grade 8 of high school and U kno i really absolutely adored this gurl i thought she was so cute i'd love to give her tons of attention and for me their cute isnt necessarily their face i mean like their personality over all esp when they are happy it's the CUTEST thing :) so yes this girl i get into a relationship ( was previously my best friend) and i get in the relationship to find out that she was joking with me. now, i dont know what on earth she was talking about because some time after that i recall her crying about the whole thing. sigh* neways i continued to b her best friend for the next year she always would play mind games on me and try to not Really control but influence me esp from guys i'd be with this would bug me but i loved her all the same. our friendship actually came to an end when , in grade 9 when i got With this Pisces male i was 14 he was 17 she was Telling me he Only wanted me for sex and this is what she had been telling me for almost all of my boyfriend which i did not of course hav sex with any of them. I really did not want to hear this from her because at this point i was so deeply in love with this pisces guy and would do anything for him. a Little before that while I had this Pisces Female best friend in grade nine also who we spent almost every waking min together :) it was so fun we were the best of friends but something had happened to me :/ ( i had been molested , my parents separated and etc sum other things ) so i had tended to become what we teenagers and other ppl call "emo" which is like goth but not Really more on the emotional depressed side and as i shared my feelings with her she right there and then dropped me as a friend. :/ and I had to admit that i reaaly adored her and had a bit of a girl crush on her. so i was very upset at the fact that these two "best friends" were now out of my life. i was with this Pisces guy and I hav been for approx 1 year and tomoro makes 11 months :) our relationship has been rough actually very. but i remember when we spoke at first which was online i had thought she was an aquarious which i think for me an them is just sexual so i had so idea he was a pisces but i kept sayin to him that You know , i have this Vibe this Feeling that There's a real sensitive side to you and he would always deny it but i felt it there. every one else in the entire world told me i was crazy to get with him, he's a man whore ( which technically he was but i hav never thought of him in a bad way because of that or have looked down on him NEVER). but there was somthing drawing me to him. i would flirt and be nice and such but since he was older i wouldnt think he would notice me. but randomly one day he had asked me to b his Girl friend at first i said no but then for the Follwing week he asked me twice a day every day and about the Thursday i said yes. i Remember in the first couple of weeks in our relationship i had cheated ( i regret to this day) my ex had managed to seduce me and yeah. :/ then after that i had done many things for him like well, I love art so im good with my hands i made stuff for example going to the beach one day and collecting sticks to come home and weave it into a big heart an the next time i see it give it to him. and i made a heart thing out of wax lil things like that and i bake for him alot. normally his fav color pink :) awww . well of course i dye the cookies pink :P and after that i would give him so much attention but end up feeling like i'm not getting any in return and i would say it to him and stuff but he would try like the first three days then nothing, some time after that my guy hes the party type and he would ask my permission to go and seeing as how cute he is i cant tell him no. he would be upset and I dont want to ruin his fun he's too cute when he's happy. so he would party alot and u kno he comes home and is tired we re on the phone and u kno i tell him i miss him and such it was fine until a point where i was lonely but sumtimes he wouldn't ask my permission and i let him Know of the Lonelyness that's when this gemini guy came in and would talk to me when he was out and eventually :/ i liked him because he made me feel appreciated and special. of course feelings guilty plus them being psychic or how ever it's spelt (sorry) he found out and was furious after that i continued to have lil crushes but feel awful about it him finding out always of course. but i ahd stopped and well our relationship is actually good like we bond alot and seem to understand each other i practically treat him like a king apart from the crushes thing and at this current time time i'm a bit confused because i love him to death of course but ok listen to this now i'm confused about my sexual Orientation Because i have done sexual activities with women from 5 to 14 then there was tht relationship in grade 8 with a girl , that girl crush on my other friend and now theres a lesbian girl i know and i spoke to her shes the "cocky" type as how my guy is and i also sensed a deeper side to her and such which is opposite from what others think of her i had written to her on a site and she had replied sayin what i said i was true i had also stated u Kno shes human too and its unfair how people come on here and judger her etc etc and she replied telling me its true and im really sweet and some other stuff and that we should talk more. so i did and i hav her number and we ve talked today and she had asked me if i like girls and i told her my story an such which is i do like girls, but she had asked me "do u wnat me to find u a gf" i told her no and about my boyfriend and such an she had asked if i wanted her to be my boyfreind and i told her no and blushed . she made me worried now thought because she had asked his age i told her he is currently 19 , and her reply was "he's def cheating on you" and it makes me feel a way i think i have or had a lil crush on this girl but right now im just worried about my pisces guy i remember him sayin something about wanting to join the army i'm going to have a lil talk to him about that today i told him today was his day and i'm checking him emotionally today but yes, that girl made me wonder because it crosses my mind and I worry because he is older and Stuff By the way he doesn't party and such any more or drink as he did before. but i am now worried that maybe he is cheating on me and I'm not sure what to do becaus e i havn't been the best Girlfriend with the crushes sense But apart from that there really is alot i do for him and I put him first with Everyhthing, and he is Like my Only best Friend and I love him so Much, i'm just at this point worried about that and Worrying that I'm turning Into a Lesbian . My guy has told me in a recent email that he is sorry that he doesn't make me feel important, Because i make him feel like the Most important person in the world. ( which he is , to me ) as in i Practically praise him, and like with everything i support him 100 % and make sure hes never down even when i am i tend to b a downer sometimes he tells me which i hate that about me . i would never want to down his mood unpurpose and i always give him confidence in himself even when he doesnt have it but at the Moment I'm wondering if he's Cheating on me.

      AND ALSO THIS LESBIAN GIRL I THINK I LIKE HER AT THE SAME TIME I AM CONFUSED AND WONDERIN IF Im bi i've been sayin bi curious all my life but now? i dont kno
    • Re: please read? ( no mean comments plz :( )

      Well, I'm going to take a shot at this and try to give you some advice. Hopefully I understood this correctly.

      First off, don't label yourself. You're still young and you have time to figure out what you're sexuality is. Maybe you're Bi, maybe not. Get rid of the labels and just focus on how you feel. You don't need to label yourself in order for it to be right. If you like girls and you've been in relationships with them and you also like boys and have been in relationships with them, it's possible that you are Bi. You just have to ask yourself what you're attracted to. If it's both male and female, then it's both. If it's one or the other, so be it. You have plenty of time to figure it out and experiment more if you wish.

      As for your boyfriend, don't let other people get into your head and make you think things that aren't true. If your boyfriend himself is not giving you reasons to make you think he's cheating, then you should trust him. If you have trusted him up until your friend said 'he's cheating', then you shouldn't worry about it. It seems like you're only basing it off of what your friend said and she's only basing it off of the fact that he's 19. His age doesn't mean anything in this situation. You know your relationship and you know the trust you have in the relationship, so go off of what you feel/think is right. You should only worry if he's doing things that make you, personally, feel that he is cheating. Use your own judgment.

      Overall, it sounds like you just need to sit down and think about what it is you truly want. In regards to everything- your relationship, this girl you think you like, your sexuality, etc., you just need to take a step back and come to terms with how you feel.

      I hope this helped.
    • Re: please read? ( no mean comments plz :( )

      You don't really need to decide what you are, you know. A lot of people have bi-curious phases and then settle for one or the other sex. It sort of happens naturally.
      Like Jasmine said, if you have no reason to doubt your boyfriend other friend said, give it up. While it is true that most 19-year-olds are jerks, not all of them are. :)
      Good luck!