Relationship Problems... just need some advice

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    • Relationship Problems... just need some advice

      I'll just start off by saying that both my boyfriend and I are 17 years old. We have been going out for a year and a half.

      When we started going out, things were amazing. But lately he's been acting different. Sometimes he jokes about things he shouldn't, but he's been going over the top lately.
      For example: I say I'm upset and he mocks me. I go to say goodbye to him and he will "pretend" to not give me a kiss. When I cry, he rolls his eyes and tells me to "quit that sh1t". When I confront him about this, he tells me to chill out and tells me to stop being a butt...

      After saying all this, he may sound like a real jerk. He hasn't acted like this since about two months ago. It's just been getting worse every day. I've talked to him about it, but nothing is changing.
      He's really a good guy. I've known him for almost two years now and he's never acted like this before. Prior to this, we hardly ever fought. He's a real sweetie when he's not being a jerk like this.

      I just don't know what to do. I just feel like crap right now because I couldn't stand losing him. I've grown very close to him and his family. I could talk to them about it, but it might be a weird. It might be my last choice.
      I just can't stop crying because I keep thinking about what's been happening and how I might lose him. I just need help....
    • Re: Relationship Problems... just need some advice

      The problem is you can't handle being without him. If you two grow apart than its time to break it off. Look, peoplr change alot at this stage in life, and thats why relationships rarely end in marriage at such a young age. It's not too late to still be with him, but don't think that you can't live without him. I don't think that talking to his family will help, becaused to be honest I would be pretty pissed off if my girlfriend did that. I hope that for your sake he will get out of this phase, but if his behavior doesn't change I would recommend moving on. Sry if it's not what you wanted to hear, and gl working it out.
    • Re: Relationship Problems... just need some advice

      hannahk wrote:

      I'll just start off by saying that both my boyfriend and I are 17 years old. We have been going out for a year and a half.

      When we started going out, things were amazing. But lately he's been acting different. Sometimes he jokes about things he shouldn't, but he's been going over the top lately.
      For example: I say I'm upset and he mocks me. I go to say goodbye to him and he will "pretend" to not give me a kiss. When I cry, he rolls his eyes and tells me to "quit that sh1t". When I confront him about this, he tells me to chill out and tells me to stop being a butt...

      After saying all this, he may sound like a real jerk. He hasn't acted like this since about two months ago. It's just been getting worse every day. I've talked to him about it, but nothing is changing.
      He's really a good guy. I've known him for almost two years now and he's never acted like this before. Prior to this, we hardly ever fought. He's a real sweetie when he's not being a jerk like this.

      I just don't know what to do. I just feel like crap right now because I couldn't stand losing him. I've grown very close to him and his family. I could talk to them about it, but it might be a weird. It might be my last choice.
      I just can't stop crying because I keep thinking about what's been happening and how I might lose him. I just need help....

      I can think of two reasons he would be acting like this all of a sudden. The first is he's starting to show his true colors. Not all people act like themselves until something inspires them to do so. The second is something is going on with his family/friends/work/etc.

      In the case of the first, leave him. If he's simply starting to show his true colors he's a bad person by heart. Nobody should waste their time with people who don't respect them. The way he's been treating you is terrible and inexcusable. Don't waste your time with somebody who can't show you basic respect. When you cry he should give it his all to comfort you and help, not tell you to cut that shit off. It's terrible.

      In the case of the second, do two things. The first is help him through it. The second is make it clear that you won't tolerate being treated horribly. He might have some problems going on, but that's no reason to treat you poorly. He has no place taking out his anger and distress on others. You should support him and help him through his dark/difficult times, but you can't allow yourself to be his verbal and emotional punching bag.

      How do you find out which one it is? Ask him if anything is going on that would cause him to act like such a prick for the past two months. If he says nothing, tell him that if he doesn't come forward and trust you you'll leave him. He will either say nothing happened (you leave him) or explain what's going on (you tell him his attitude stops of you leave him).
    • Re: Relationship Problems... just need some advice

      There are a few reasons your boyfriend is suddenly acting so different. The most possible reason is that this is just a natural part of his life. He's a 17, and he's becoming an adult. His attitude may last for a few months, or maybe it'll never change. Another possible reason is that he's experiencing some personal issues that you aren't aware of. Maybe something has happened between him and his family, or him and a close friend. Maybe he's worried about school, and that's what's causing him to be in such a bad mood. Ultimately though, you must understand that no matter how he treated you in the past, if he doesn't give you an explanation or if he continues to act this way, it may be time for you to move on. People change, and you're at a point in both of your lives where you're growing up.
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