He keeps pulling away...

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    • He keeps pulling away...

      Okay, for anyone who doesn't know about this boy, I'll fill you in before I begin. I like this boy, I'm 15 and he just turned 18 recently. We've had a little bit of a thing going, not dating, but might as well for how much everyone thinks we are. So, no, we aren't dating, but it's like whenever we're alone we sorta act like it, kissing and stuff and all.

      We never dated, but he's never acted like this towards me. He would never admit it to me, I know him well enough to know this. But the closer his birthday got, he's seriously been pulling away more and more.

      Every time I ask to hang out, he always says "I don't care. You know where I'll be." and when I get there, he either won't show or when he does, he'll say hi and then leave seconds later. Without a hug or even more than that.

      In school we have one class together and he lets me use his book so I sit next to him, he used to write me notes back and forth while we read and help me with work. Now he lays his head down and doesn't even acknowledge me more than to put his book on my desk.

      He doesn't talk to me first anymore, which isn't much of a different, but now it's all the time, not just once in a while. And we do talk, it isn't very normal. He gives me short answers, and I get this feeling like he wants me to leave him alone, so I do, and then he'll get hurt when I don't talk to him.

      And I don't know why he's acting so weird. There's some times when we'll be talking and laughing and flirting, and one time he even talked to me about his ex girlfriends who cheated on him (and he never talks about himself. So I take the bit of times he opens up to me as a good sign), and I think that maybe we're actually getting back to normal, than, the next day he barely talks to me.

      I don't get it. Now that he's 18, does he think I'm annoying since I'm only 15? And if so, he stills talks to his friends who are younger than me. Is he just tired of me now? Or is it just the age difference?

      I don't know if I should out right call him out on it when I see him school, or if I should just keep trying to get his attention? I'm not good with him, cause I can never tell what's on his mind like all the other guys around me. Which, to think about it, is one of the things I love the most about him. But it makes liking him so hard, that I really don't know how to handle it when stuff like this comes up.

      So, does anyone have any advice for me? Because I would love you forever if you could help me on this.
    • Re: He keeps pulling away...

      We really don't know what going on with him. Obviously something has happened - there's a problem. Yes, you should talk to him when you see him next. It's incredibly strange that all of a sudden he does everything in his power to be apart from you. Perhaps he has some family drama going on which is causing him to stress up. I know the feeling of stress brought on from family drama all too well and it's similar to what he's doing to you. I'll be in a bad mood, I'll have no desire to do anything, people with whom I was great friends with and talked to on a daily basis for hours I'd avoid. However, from time to time I'd just wake up and feel great and I'd act like I normally do. It's definitely worth talking to him about, and it could be just about anything, though I suspect family drama or something personal like that. What I recommend when you talk to him however is bring up his altered behavior and ask why he's acting like that; don't ask him if anything is wrong as he'll say the world is fine and nothing could be better.
    • Re: He keeps pulling away...

      One of the things that popped into my head when I read this was that it could be the age difference. Not the fact that you're "annoying because you're 15", but more so of the fact that he's 18 and no longer a minor, where as you are still a minor. He could just be feeling weird about it. Maybe he feels like he can't be the same with you anymore, because of the age difference; it may just not feel right anymore. Though, this is just my opinion.

      Really, you're never going to know if you don't say anything and ask him about it. You can spend forever trying to figure it out on your own, but you still won't get anywhere. I suggest you ask him why he's seeming so distant lately. That's the only way you're going to find out.