I Want to be Alone

    • I Want to be Alone

      Can someone help? I've been feeling really down lately, and it's for an absolutely ridiculous and selfish reason.
      My mom used to drop me off at home every day and then go back to her job after school was over. But now, she takes me to her job instead. And both my parents used to work on the weekends, but now they're staying home.
      They usually leave me alone, but their presence is smothering me! I hate not being by myself any more! I know it's insane, but it really bothers me! I don't know why, either. All I know is that it's making me miserable. Can someone please give me advice? And don't yell at me for being selfish, please. I already know this is a stupid problem and I just want to get over it so I can stop locking myself in the bathroom and crying.
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Why can't you just go home yourself after school?
      Unfortunately, I don't have a license, and my dad doesn't want me to get one until I'm 17. I've tried taking the bus, and it takes like 3 hours to get home. I live really far away.
      Going to other places... I might try that, but I don't really know where I would go. My friends all ride the bus and the library closes after school. I could always just hang out at parent pickup, but I don't know if that would help me be alone.
      I've been writing stories a lot lately. I really enjoy it. But I'm sort of getting addicted to it, and I've been ignoring my homework. I'm trying to not write as obsessively now.
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Actually, I live rather far from people I know. I'm practically out of the city. We live in a small neighborhood. Three of our neighbors have small children, one of which I will be tutoring this summer (way better than camp counseling). The other two the cops have visited on several occasions. Don't know why, don't want to know.
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Unfortunately no. They're building a library that's closer in our area but it's not finished and that would still be a 15-20 minute drive. Add the "no license" thing and... yeah. We're sort of in the woods, only houses there, near the highway... It's nice because it's secluded, and I could see the meteor shower really well from the deck.
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Hi there, my name is Adam and I'm new to Teenhut. Personally, I would suggest that you simply read. As you said, you do see the meteor showers outside your deck, I'm assuming it's a very calm and subtle place to be. I know it seems a bit pathetic, being in our generation and all, but in all honesty, reading really calms everything down. It secludes you from all your problems and just relaxes you :] It'll help, trust me.
      "For every dark night, there's a brighter day" :cool:
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Changing your system is stresfull sometimes but you got to make the best out of what you got...

      Cant you go somewhere a little out of the way and rest or do whatever you like doing there?

      I can understand your situation a little bit because after a days work i wont feel like going home and helping out my mum and day in everyday chores, i feel trapped, but looking at this negatively does not help!

      Stop beating yourself about being selfish, i think this is what keeps you from improving the situation. Its a fase you will go through and thats it...if you feel down, well thats life, do something about it....im sure you can find something you like doing there, you said you like writing stories, (thats something i used to do to 'stay alone') then i guess you got quite a good imagination....think of something interesting

      The important thing is dont keep putting yourself down for something very very normal...
      Its normal for you to want your own space, thats not being selfish....the only thing now is stop waisting time from being depressed and act apon it...

      You can certainly do it!!!

      (I dont know if you understood my point, i hope i helped in some way, if you need anything we ara just a post away)
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      Hey I understand you want to have your own space in your house right beside your parents and it's selfish from them to hold you down by carrying you to their work place, but I tell you it's awful to feel lonely I'm living this I tell you and it's aweful really, it sucks!! I think you shall consider what they do to you like they want you to go out and get a job instead of staying home alone, writing stories, but that's a good thing that you have your imagination flies you let it be and certainly you won't lose that gift you have, you can use your free time for doing such things as writing taking in place that the experiences you live through your day, and the week, while you are doing your job interacting with people telling you stories can help you to inspire you to write better and more interesting things.
      What do you thing? Wanna give it a good try? I hope that what I'm telling you give you any idea about what to do!

      The fleeting winds of time,
      flying through each day,
      all the things I should have done
      but time just slipped away,
      remember seize the day.
      Life goes by in the blink of an eye
      with so much left to say... :wink:
    • Re: I Want to be Alone

      I suggest just going on a walk. You don't have to walk to anywhere specifically, just.... walk. It's what I do when I need time alone to think. I usually take my ipod with me too
      [CENTER]"To read makes our speaking English good"

      :love1:WE LOVE YOU XANDER!!!!!:love1: