How can I make this work?

    • How can I make this work?

      K so, there's this girl, who works where I used to work, I met her through my friends who work there too. She came in after I quit the job. Anyways, we met up and we go out as a group when we can (when I'm home anyways).
      My friends tell me she has a thing for me. I think that's true (it's the uniform, what can I say :p), and I've always had a thing for her as well.

      Now there are a few problems that come up.

      1. I can barely meet up with her. At all. I'm at the base 12 days and then home for another 2. This week I'll be at the base for 19 days and then 2 afterwards.
      2. In the 2 days I'm home, I can't really meet up with her in private cause well, I have no car, sure I can take cabs and whatnot but being paid 10% of the minimum wage for jobs, I can't keep doing that for too long :x
      3. Being at base most of the time, it's hard to develop feelings between us. See I can at most talk to her on the phone for like, what, 30 minutes per day? It's hard. Specially when we never really went out before and we haven't really talked that much before, so I don't even have a foundation for anything.

      What can I do D:
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    • Re: How can I make this work?

      can you talk to her on an instant messenger like MSN or Yahoo?

      you can make it work if you really want too and its not like you have to go see her EVERYTIME your off base, just do it every second time if its gonna get expensive, and then just make it work like a long distance relationship in between those times, if you really want it to work and she does too, you can develope a really solid relationship this way, due to the trust needed etc
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